Do You Hear the Call?
God's heart is with the orphaned and the powerless. In our world today, over 143 million children are without hope, without parents, and without the potential of achieving a healthy future. As believers, we see God's mandate in James 1:27: "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." Do you hear this call in your own life and walk with God? If so, can you describe how you…
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Laurie, This is a great idea for a group! I live in VA, but I work long-distance with Stand Up For Kids in OC, CA. 13 homeless kids die EVERY DAY in America. It's sad. Many are thrown out of their homes by their parents when they're 12, 13, 14; or they lose a single parent who goes to jail, or dies. Many run away from abuse -often sexual abuse by a step-parent. So sad. I don't know if you're talking about orphans by parental deaths, or those who are orphaned by circumstance. Either way, it's heart-breaking to see. Those that help aren't always Christians. Many non-faith organizations are out there and it surprises me that more Christians aren't involved. Stand Up For Kids offers free training for volunteers. Once a week they meet with teens to restock their food (backpacks), give the girls tampons etc, and take them to job interviews, or just talk to them. Thanks for what you're doing!