Praying Together
Lesson 14---Reflection Week
For those who started this class and have worked the lessons to this point, we have essentially completed the course. It is time to review and reflect on the material that was presented in the course.
At this point, it is very important to hear from our students; we would appreciate receiving some constructive comments that may help us to improve this course and to better encourage people to pray.
Here are a few areas to consider. You may have other thoughts that you may want to share.
- Has this course helped you grow in the Lord? Whether you say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, please include in your answer: Did you take time to do any (or all) of the following—study the material; look up the Scriptures; and work some of the reflection questions?
- Were there areas which had been covered in the class that you felt should have been more enhanced? If you say ‘yes’—could you give a suggestion?
- Some of you may have some ideas to consider for using as a specific prayer-activity. If so, please share your thoughts with us and the class.
- Regarding the concepts of ‘heart prayer’ and ‘listening with the heart’, was the teaching helpful? If it was helpful, please share how it helped you.
- What are some ‘other thoughts’ that you might like to share with us?
We have appreciated all who have contributed to sharing in this class. After this reflection period—probably sometime in April—we will soon be readying a ‘course completion certificate’ to present to those of you who had participated—at least twice—sharing comments during the ‘Praying Together Course’. We do want to recognize all your efforts of class participation.
I, Lewis, also want to share my own reflections about the class:
After teaching this course for the third time, I realize that the module, which we have just completed, perhaps could have been better presented by breaking it into two modules: Module-One being, ‘Advanced Christian Discipleship—with an emphasis on ‘Prayer’; and the Module-Two would be, ‘Encouraging Praying-Together in Groups and Corporately’.
Also, I would like to give a personal testimony about the class. When my wife, Sylvia, sensed that the Lord wanted her to help edit the course, three things happened: One, she contributed much information that has helped develop the lessons---sharing ‘nuggets of thoughts’ which came from her heart. Her sharing of Scripture and Godly insights was so important, that I have considered her as a Co-Author. Secondly, in working together and praying together, God’s Holy Spirit brought us closer together as a couple, (Matthew 18:20). That was a great blessing!
Thirdly, as we prayed together, asking for the Lord’s direction, we found ourselves getting more involved at our Church. As a couple, we, ourselves, began to apply the exercise which we had suggested in this course, to encourage our students. For us, the Lord led us to involve ourselves in prayer for our church’s VBS. When we talked with Our VBS director, we were told that many VBS children do not know how to pray; they do not understand the concept of the heart; and some in our area have never ever heard of Jesus. Our director is asking us to present four lessons on ‘Teaching Children to Pray’. Which is what we had already sensed the Lord was asking us to do. The lessons now have been developed and will be presented to the children during out church VBS program.
Now back to the course—Please, even if you started the course late in the session, after we started, and have not completed the course (there are a number of you in this category), share what you can at this point and do keep working on the course. We have observed spiritual growth in those who really worked the lessons, for which we praise God. As you work through this course, and get deeper into God’s Word, you will grow in your Christian walk and relationship with God. God does want His Children to grow, and there has been much spiritual meat presented in this course.
We want you also to be aware that coming up soon, my wife and I will be presenting a lesson on ‘Praying for Your Nation’, With the elections in the United States coming up, this lesson is timely and will hopefully encourage us all to pray fervently for our leaders.
Following that lesson, we will be starting a short series of lessons on ‘Praying for your Children’. I have received a request for instruction in helping children to learn how to pray. We may consider sharing our VBS lessons on prayer during that instruction; please let us know if you would like that training. Those lessons focus on how to teach children about the heart. Many Children come from homes where they have not learned about the heart, and some have never heard of Jesus. Teaching them about Jesus and how to truly pray, is quite a challenge. These lessons may also help those of you who have children of your own, or young grandchildren, or perhaps are teaching Sunday School Children—to reach them for Jesus.
We, thank you for taking time to reflectively respond to this lesson.
I am very grateful for the information I received on prayer. They were very helpful to me and my prayer life went to a much deeper level. I was able to share some of the information with my church. And a life group I am involved with. And I am beginning to see a change in the group. I was wondering if your are going to put this information in book form. It would be great if you did so it is available to others.
Thank you for your dedication
Priscilla Houck
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what a blessing to share some of my personal morning prayer with you ....
Dr. Charles Hughes
Pastor for Prayer