How have you as an intercessor learned to speak a pastor's language? Have you found this needed with some pastors, who know about intercessors but the communication between them and intercessors is difficult? What have you found that causes this difficulty of pastors accepting communication from intercessors???
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That is an excellent book--I personally recommend both pastors and intercessors to read it. I will let this group know something that is personal to me about this book--a pastor gave it to me, and as I read it, the Lord reminded me about His call to me in the late 1970's to teach prayer. I was so scared of that call in the late 1970's, it did not fit a paradigm of a call to ministry, that I just didn't know what to do. So, other than learn more about prayer, I essentially did nothing. After many hard knocks later, the Lord renewed that calling--and since I have done much study on prayer, had opportunity to be a regional prayer leader since 2001, develop a Sunday School Curriculum for a semester called 'Praying Together' (It has been taught Twice) and writing a 'Prayer Minute' for a program called the Daily Jot and News Commentary. I am currently getting ready to record my 419th 'Prayer Minute'. Also, there has been other significant prayer work, where through prayer we have had wonderful victories.
Still with all that, I find it difficult for pastors to fully embrace intercessors and also push for increased prayer within a church.
I do not have a seminary degree--I do have a BS Degree from Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, and a Masters Degree from the University of Maryland in Food Science. Also, I have experience in advanced food processing. Those skills of learning were also applied to learning about prayer and intercession.
So--I too am open on how to best develop relationships and communicate with my pastors.
Oh--I should state this--I do not cease to pray for my pastor and my church. We both have seen a stirring within the church that I can only say is due to the Holy Spirit. My pastor has said 'keep on doing what you are doing.'
I will stop this rambling there--other than to share that since 2006 I have been working on a manuscript on Intercessor and Pastor relationships. Still not done--rewrite after rewrite after rewright. I am constantly learning more--hopefully how to communicate better helping pastors understand the intercessors the Lord has given them.
Do want to hear more from all of you on the question of this discussion--it can help many of us.
But i have found that when I have something to speak to my pastor about connecting with a person who has the gift of mercy (in abundance) and talking it out with them helps. I have found that listening and sort of merging the two thought process has helped me communicate somewhat better. By no means is it a hundred percent or should you have this confidence in every single person you come across. Be sure to pray and ask God to show you who could help you and will pray with you and can give you a new way to express what God h as given you.
When I look at this question I know from my experience many intercessors want to be able to speak to their pastor in a way that they will accept intercessors praying for and that they will feel free to invite intercessors to help them. I can think of a host of reasons why there are difficulties, including lack of training, personal focus or paradigms. What have you found that helps communication with pastors?
That is an excellent book--I personally recommend both pastors and intercessors to read it. I will let this group know something that is personal to me about this book--a pastor gave it to me, and as I read it, the Lord reminded me about His call to me in the late 1970's to teach prayer. I was so scared of that call in the late 1970's, it did not fit a paradigm of a call to ministry, that I just didn't know what to do. So, other than learn more about prayer, I essentially did nothing. After many hard knocks later, the Lord renewed that calling--and since I have done much study on prayer, had opportunity to be a regional prayer leader since 2001, develop a Sunday School Curriculum for a semester called 'Praying Together' (It has been taught Twice) and writing a 'Prayer Minute' for a program called the Daily Jot and News Commentary. I am currently getting ready to record my 419th 'Prayer Minute'. Also, there has been other significant prayer work, where through prayer we have had wonderful victories.
Still with all that, I find it difficult for pastors to fully embrace intercessors and also push for increased prayer within a church.
I do not have a seminary degree--I do have a BS Degree from Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, and a Masters Degree from the University of Maryland in Food Science. Also, I have experience in advanced food processing. Those skills of learning were also applied to learning about prayer and intercession.
So--I too am open on how to best develop relationships and communicate with my pastors.
Oh--I should state this--I do not cease to pray for my pastor and my church. We both have seen a stirring within the church that I can only say is due to the Holy Spirit. My pastor has said 'keep on doing what you are doing.'
I will stop this rambling there--other than to share that since 2006 I have been working on a manuscript on Intercessor and Pastor relationships. Still not done--rewrite after rewrite after rewright. I am constantly learning more--hopefully how to communicate better helping pastors understand the intercessors the Lord has given them.
Do want to hear more from all of you on the question of this discussion--it can help many of us.
Thanks, Lewis! I look forward to reading and learning from the responses of others!
Ann, I know how you feel!
But i have found that when I have something to speak to my pastor about connecting with a person who has the gift of mercy (in abundance) and talking it out with them helps. I have found that listening and sort of merging the two thought process has helped me communicate somewhat better. By no means is it a hundred percent or should you have this confidence in every single person you come across. Be sure to pray and ask God to show you who could help you and will pray with you and can give you a new way to express what God h as given you.