Without a vision, the warriors perish.” (Proverbs 29:18, my paraphrase)
In every war, warriors need generals who sound the battle call clearly and loudly. Spiritual warfare is n
Without a vision, the warriors perish.” (Proverbs 29:18, my paraphrase)
In every war, warriors need generals who sound the battle call clearly and loudly. Spiritual warfare is n
I was asked to lead a prayer weekend for a congregation desiring to become prayer-driven. I was asked to prepare a prayer guide for the entire church family that would help each persona and mi
Designing a #ReimagineCHURCH Journey
Every congregation/ministry/group must "be transformed by the renewing of their (corporate mind-set ... So that they begin to pray with and make-disciples who live according to the goo, -fulfilling, perfectly-suit
What Does Evangelism Look Like in Your Day-to-Day Life?
As you go, wherever you go, make disciples of all people.
PHIL MIGLIORATTI @ The Reimagine.Network
And the Lord added to their number …
What was behind the amazin
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Engage ... the People, Places, Problems in your community
[ Community Impact • Evangelism ]
The #ReimagineFORUM Coaching Session with Ken Oliver
Ken Oliver is a thought leader and advocate for biblical evangelism impacting communities through the Church
Mark 1:16-17 (NIV)
Jesus Calls His First Disciples
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish fo
Read more…We all have Prayer Lists.
Phil Miglioratti
Most write their own list. Some simply memorize or visualize who they pray for. Many follow the printed list in the Sunday bulletin. Apps send them to our smartphones.
The difficulty with Prayer Lists is n
Read more…We all have Prayer Lists.
Most write their own list. Some simply memorize or visualize who they pray for. Many follow the printed list in the Sunday bulletin. Apps send them to our smartphones.
The difficulty with Prayer Lists is not having enough pe
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Excerpted with permission of the author from Chapter Six of The Coach Model for Christian Leaders by Keith E. Webb.
As leaders, we often view ourselves as knowledge providers. So we teach, tell, or advise and, in
#ReimaginePRAYER... #ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP... Biblically.
The need to reimagine is critical.
Cultural is crushing us. American society but also the ineffective traditions of the American Church.
Paraphrasing and applying Romans 12:2 . . .
Stop imit
Read more…The #ReimagineFORUM Coaching Session • Phil Miglioratti
Phil is the Curator/Coordinator of The #ReimagineFORUM @ Pray.Network and Discipleship.Network
Each thought leader is asked to respond to the same set of questions so that we can compare and contrast their responses.
They have been asked to poke us as a reminder to seek Spirit-led direction and provoke us toward a Scripture-fed, biblically bas
Read more…The First Move (Sharing Your Faith)
(Sermon by Milton Bost)
One evening, back around 1971, I got up the courage to call a girl named Carla that I was attracted to. Back then the phone was in our living room and my Dad was sitting i
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The "Quote/UnQuote" Interview with Reggie McNeal
Phil Miglioratti talks with Reggie McNeal, author of "Kingdom Collaborators: Eight Signature Practices of Leaders Who Turn The World Upside Down"
Phil ~ Your first words jump out: "Everyone know
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