Does anyone have some fun interactive prayer ideas for youth groups both jr. high and high school. I am also interested in some websites that might be helpful.
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Conversational prayer really opens the door for the Holy Spirit.
You can still get Prayer, Conversing with God by Rinker on the web even though it's old.
The basic idea is to pray short prayers about one topic at a time and they can pray as many times as they want.
In teaching this kind of praying; I often use the grade school game of finishing the sentence. You divide the group into smaller groups and give them the task of creating a sentence one word at a time. You give them a 'first' word and then each student has to add a word going around the circle. It's fun and teaches that they have to listen to what's been said (prayed) before them and then add just a little to it.
After playing the game, you show them how it relates to conversational prayer and then give it a try.
Prayer Guide by Snow (me) has chapters on leading a time of silent guided prayer that involves kids that are afraid to pray out loud. I call it Prayer by Suggestion. You guide them through a time of prayer by making suggestions and then giving them a few seconds to pray what you've suggested.
Our youth pastor, Jonathan Owen ( could give you some great ideas. He has done quarterly "Sacred Night" prayer gatherings with our youth and multiple yout prayer summits. I know he has stolen some good ideas from
Check out the website, There's a section on prayer stations. My husband is a Youth Pastor and the kids love the Prayer stations.
Sitting here this morning enjoying my cup of coffee and loving this wonderful summer break from school, my thoughts turned to how God could use me this coming school year. As an educator for 30 years, I think back to my first years as a public grade school teacher, and how we always prayed before eating lunch. My, how things have changed! Obviously, this is no longer allowed. Yet, I have been blessed to continue to minister to my students in other ways.
Now, as a college art professor at a community college, my calling from God has not changed. Teaching has allowed me to use my gifts and talents in many ways. My desire is to be an encourager, and pray my students will see Jesus through me. I believe that praying for my students is one way to do exactly that.
With each semester we have our list of students for each class. Most of my students are new to me, and I know nothing about them. Since putting something tactile in front of me helps me to stay focused, I write each name on an index card, and through the week my goal is to lift each student up in prayer.
Sometimes a need arises that I’m aware of and sometimes not. I search through the scriptures finding ones that apply to certain situations. Before classes begin each semester I also go through my classroom and stop at each desk and pray for the students that will be sitting there during the day.
It lays heavy on my heart to think how many young students that I interact with on campus have no one to pray for them. Many come to class each day with struggles: a single mom balancing a job, children and school, a young man coming into my 8 o’clock class after working a job all night, a student struggling with an addiction, or another trying to find their way, wondering why they even bother to come to class.
As the semester progresses, relationships grow, and many feel comfortable enough to share what’s on their heart. I then have the opportunity to pray specifically for them.
One story is of a young nursing student who shared she was always so stressed over testing that she would become physically ill. She knew the material, but couldn’t calm herself enough to put the information on her exams. We discussed this quite a few times and knowing that she was a Christian, I asked her if she would like to pray together before her next exam. We did, and after that we met several times during the semester before her other exams on campus. Truthfully, it was me who received the blessing.
As I finish this morning cup of coffee and contemplate this new semester about to begin, I pray that God will refresh my vision and allow me through prayer to uplift those students He has entrusted to me this coming school year. It is not by chance that our paths cross. I am reminded of Colossians 3:17 that in whatever I do whether word or deed, I should give thanks for all things in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.
To connect and equip Christian educators, parents and students,
empowering them to live their faith confidently, in order to transform our
public schools through the love and truth of Jesus Christ.
2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
There are SEVERAL opportunities to LIFT UP our schools over the next week!!
Sunday, September 25th - #CAMPUSIGNITENIGHT2016 – Grace Church Grand Commons, 6:30-8pm – Join others for a dynamic night of prayer and worship as we kick off the Global Week of Student Prayer! All are invited…parents, students and educators (teachers, para’s, support staff, subs, administration, facilities, transportation, etc…) as we come together corporately before the Lord and lift up this next school year. You won’t want to miss this powerful night!!
Wednesday, September 28th– SEE YOU AT THE POLE – Join other students across the country as many meet at their schools’ flagpole to pray for their schools, staff and communities at 7am. BRING TOGETHER SOME FRIENDS AND BE A PART OF THIS AWESOME NATIONAL EVENT!! SPREAD THE WORD! More details
Wednesday, September 28th - WEEKLYPRAYER FOR OUR SCHOOLSKICKOFF, Grace Church, 7pm, CA150D. Kicks off a weekly effort to pray for our schools…ALL ARE WELCOME!! Every Wednesday night Compass has set aside a space for anyone feeling led to be on their knees for our schools. No need to RSVP, just come!!
Sunday, October 1st - – COMPASS EDUCATOR PRAYER,Grace Church, Eden Prairie, 10:15am
Every first and third Sunday educators meet for prayer between services at the Compass table by Door 1. Please join these educator prayer warriors or email prayer requests to Tracy Hiebert
You can still get Prayer, Conversing with God by Rinker on the web even though it's old.
The basic idea is to pray short prayers about one topic at a time and they can pray as many times as they want.
In teaching this kind of praying; I often use the grade school game of finishing the sentence. You divide the group into smaller groups and give them the task of creating a sentence one word at a time. You give them a 'first' word and then each student has to add a word going around the circle. It's fun and teaches that they have to listen to what's been said (prayed) before them and then add just a little to it.
After playing the game, you show them how it relates to conversational prayer and then give it a try.
Prayer Guide by Snow (me) has chapters on leading a time of silent guided prayer that involves kids that are afraid to pray out loud. I call it Prayer by Suggestion. You guide them through a time of prayer by making suggestions and then giving them a few seconds to pray what you've suggested.
Hope this is helpful
Lowell Snow
You’re On My List!
One Instructor’s Experience of Prayer
Sitting here this morning enjoying my cup of coffee and loving this wonderful summer break from school, my thoughts turned to how God could use me this coming school year. As an educator for 30 years, I think back to my first years as a public grade school teacher, and how we always prayed before eating lunch. My, how things have changed! Obviously, this is no longer allowed. Yet, I have been blessed to continue to minister to my students in other ways.
Now, as a college art professor at a community college, my calling from God has not changed. Teaching has allowed me to use my gifts and talents in many ways. My desire is to be an encourager, and pray my students will see Jesus through me. I believe that praying for my students is one way to do exactly that.
With each semester we have our list of students for each class. Most of my students are new to me, and I know nothing about them. Since putting something tactile in front of me helps me to stay focused, I write each name on an index card, and through the week my goal is to lift each student up in prayer.
Sometimes a need arises that I’m aware of and sometimes not. I search through the scriptures finding ones that apply to certain situations. Before classes begin each semester I also go through my classroom and stop at each desk and pray for the students that will be sitting there during the day.
It lays heavy on my heart to think how many young students that I interact with on campus have no one to pray for them. Many come to class each day with struggles: a single mom balancing a job, children and school, a young man coming into my 8 o’clock class after working a job all night, a student struggling with an addiction, or another trying to find their way, wondering why they even bother to come to class.
As the semester progresses, relationships grow, and many feel comfortable enough to share what’s on their heart. I then have the opportunity to pray specifically for them.
One story is of a young nursing student who shared she was always so stressed over testing that she would become physically ill. She knew the material, but couldn’t calm herself enough to put the information on her exams. We discussed this quite a few times and knowing that she was a Christian, I asked her if she would like to pray together before her next exam. We did, and after that we met several times during the semester before her other exams on campus. Truthfully, it was me who received the blessing.
As I finish this morning cup of coffee and contemplate this new semester about to begin, I pray that God will refresh my vision and allow me through prayer to uplift those students He has entrusted to me this coming school year. It is not by chance that our paths cross. I am reminded of Colossians 3:17 that in whatever I do whether word or deed, I should give thanks for all things in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.
Ann Boland