NavPress has decided to discontinue Pray! Network in order to direct more focus on our primary endeavor of publishing books, Bibles, and Bible studies that encourage disciplemaking. However, we do value your friendship with us through Pray! Network and would like to continue encouraging you on your discipleship and prayer journey.
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The Navigators Tools
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Pray Every Day Facebook page.
The purpose of Pray Every Day is to inspire, encourage, and equip God's people to make prayer a part of daily life. The page is managed by the author of “The Pray! Prayer Journal” and representative of The Navigators, Dean Ridings at
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Thanks NavPress for the past collaboration and support for Pray Network. And thanks for navigators that help provide salt and light to season all mankind around the world. Keep it up!
This week's Thinkable:
Disruption or Opportunity?
This title contrasts two vastly different attitudes. The concept of opportunity introduces the question, “Opportunity for What?” Today we will explore these ideas in more detail, along with some beneficial related thoughts.
We are all familiar with having our “plans or schedules for the day” interrupted by a myriad of unexpected distractions and disruptions, like unexpected calls, visits, and emails, or even worse, bad news and events that properly require our immediate attention and interaction. Sometimes however, we have some viable alternatives to such interruptions. This basically comes down to a matter of our priorities and our perspective (attitude). In a nutshell, disruptions tend to aggravate us, whereas when we can see beyond the disruption to focus on the silver lining of the opportunity hidden behind them, we may have discovered a “buried treasure.” Just how could that be?
Here’s an example. Suppose your plan called for some early research for a paper or report due next week, when a long lost buddy form high school barges into your office, ready to visit and catch up, and later go out for lunch. If the report would have been due tomorrow, it’s fairly easy to conclude that you would likely greet him with a couple minute high-level catch up, and then ask him to “take a rain check.” But in this case someone who is flexible and mature enough to see an opportunity behind this unexpected rude interruption, might be able to set aside the research, enjoy the catch up period, and actually enjoy and benefit from the renewal of long slumbering relationship. As stated above, our ability to see interruptions as opportunities instead of disruptions is mainly a measure of our priorities, perspectives, open flexibility, and willingness to let go of the common need to always be in control. As you can now recognize, at times we don’t even see such opportunities, much less seize then. But the more we learn to live that way, the happier we, and those around us, will become. Here is why.
Who do you know that is very “interruptible?” Are they basically happy or up tight? How can they possibly manage and stay in control without wearing their personal secretary out? Jesus comes to my mind, and He did not even have a personal secretary. He certainly was neither worried about the future nor distracted by any “If Only’s” from the past. He knew how to be prepared through prayer (seeing, believing, and listening to His Father in heaven) for world-impacting choices like choosing His 12 disciples. He was totally interruptible, flexible, living in the NOW, and extremely sensitive to all kinds of personal needs around Him.
He cared, saw lots of opportunities, responded with caring and helpful action to many needs, and was willing and able to let other ones go. He always brought out the best in others by seeing beyond their “turn-offs” and criticisms of others, letting them know that those who would trust and partner with Him would achieve things way beyond their wildest imagination, and experience joyous satisfaction. For the Christ-Follower “believing is seeing,” as modeled and taught by Jesus. This is part of the secret of seeking, seeing, and seizing unknown but eternal opportunities to allow God to transform events in our daily lives.
Not everyone can seek, see, or seize such opportunities, but others, like the apostle Paul, found such opportunities, even in dark, dank, jails, like praying for open doors of opportunity. 2-4 Pray diligently. Stay alert, with your eyes wide open in gratitude. Don’t forget to pray for us, that God will open doors for telling the mystery of Christ, even while I’m locked up in this jail. Pray that every time I open my mouth I’ll be able to make Christ plain as day to them.
5-6 Use your heads as you live and work among outsiders. Don’t miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out. Colossians 4:4-6
I'm sorry to see the network end. It has really been an encouragement and a "Call to Prayer" for my family and I. Thank you for your labor of love.
Dear NavPress,
Thank you for making, and keeping, this site available in recent years. It has served as a powerful source of encouragement and resources for prayer and deepening relationship with Christ! I will miss this all-in-one site and its resources. If there is a way to revive this community and its resources, many more will benefit going forward.
Thank you again for supporting this site!
Rob Griepentrog
So sorry to hear this Phil.
Grateful for all the guidance and friendships here. We at the Governors Prayer Team are very interested in connecting with the prayer community at and would be pleased to open our community to all those here at Pray Network. They can even continue to use your same sign-in credentials because we are on the same platform as Pray. We truly enjoy connecting and working with other prayer steams and those interested in prayer (each joint supplying).
Grace & Peace to you Phil and all those you love,
Thomas C. Walker - Founder/ National Director
National Governors' Prayer Team
865 Country Walk Court
Brownsburg, Indiana 45112-1770
317.286.1117 Office
Twitter: @governorsprayer
A Ministry Project of One Accord Ministry Inc.
Thank you NavPress mentors for continuing to provide the Pray! info for as long as you have. You have blessed the Body of Christ immensely. ~ Mary T, Fremont, CA
I'm grateful for the presence on the internet; PRAY! seemed like a spot of purity in a polluted ocean. Thanks NavPress.
Dear NavPress,
Pray! Network, Pray! Kids and all the related resources have been so valuable to me over the past several years. I have many hard copy magazines I still refer to and share with others. I used the Pray! Kids with my own children and now use them with my Grand kids. I am very sorry to see this era end, however, the Kingdom Power that has been provided is eternal just like our Mighty God! Thanks for a great ministry tool, it will be missed.
I for one am really appreciative for the opportunity that Pray!Network has given to encourage all of us in the area of prayer. I am appreciative to Pastor Phil for the work he has done to encourage all of us, from many backgrounds.
It was the cry of many that helped this Net!Work to form, and some of you may wish to consider Proverbs 16:9 which says -paraphrased-Man plans, but the Lord directs.
Whatever happens on July 1, 2014, we can be thankful for all the encouragement that Pray!Network has given.
Lewis Turner
Wheatland Ministries