There is no dearth of warnings sounded by the Watchmen on the walls of America. I hope to hear more revelation, thoughts, on praying God's will with the many issues that we face. Doing security, immigration and borders God's way is one issue I am seeking. Praying God's will into legislatures struggling with budgets is another. In all of that to keep watching for His return and the great Harvest that can come all of a sudden. Please advise! Ps 47 tells us to praise God with understanding. His protection has been extended even though we are a backslidden nation, but I want to understand all that God is protecting us from in these evil days. I want to see his glory without vain imagining.
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Asked our church prayer team to pray specifically for the Obama family to be led to a home church and for our President to look to God for direction and it was never posted. Yesterday found out why. There is a right wing political conference being advertised in our church to be held next month. I am a middle of the road person who respects everybody's right to an opinion. I let church leaders know was deeply upset and will be looking at my options. Find it sad and sickening to see focus taken off what we are called by distractions. My question is: Am I wrong in my thinking? This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach since I am deeply involved in outreach to the community with prayer and evangelism.
Had forgotten about that I had mentioned to the same prayer team about my answers to prayer and the congressional leaders had courage and it was not printed. Now I can see why. SAD!
Virginia Rommel > Richard McKusic, Sr.January 10, 2011 14:59
OK Richard, this response was cut off on my page. Now I see what you are saying and it is very sad. But I believe that God is testing us to know who is trustworthy to be his ambassadors as we stand in the gap for our nation which is already under judgement for the slaughter of more than 50million babies that were a gift from God to us and we would not receive. That is a national tragedy that is most grievous. He is calling us to deep repentance. IT is the church which fails God. Those who have not seen the truth are those we should be trying to reach for salvation. Without the Holy Spirit, the indwelling Word, how can we have wisdom to speak or act. We pray amiss. I think being sick to our stomach's is almost prophetic. Is God saying He will spew us out of His mouth if we will not seek Him. It is a kingdom not of this earth that needs building. It is very sad fo see the country's division reflected in the church when we should be Light to the world. Keep Praying, Richard!
Asked our church prayer team to pray specifically for the Obama family to be led to a home church and for our President to look to God for direction and it was never posted. Yesterday found out why. There is a right wing political conference being advertised in our church to be held next month. I am a middle of the road person who respects everybody's right to an opinion. I let church leaders know was deeply upset and will be looking at my options. Find it sad and sickening to see focus taken off what we are called by distractions. My question is: Am I wrong in my thinking? This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach since I am deeply involved in outreach to the community with prayer and evangelism.
Had forgotten about that I had mentioned to the same prayer team about my answers to prayer and the congressional leaders had courage and it was not printed. Now I can see why. SAD!