Praying for Prodigals--

Old Seed Coming to Life

Recently my wife was cleaning out our freezer, and gave me an item that I had put in the freezer 24-26 years ago. It was a group of seed-Asiatic Lily seeds that I had saved from some of my hybridizing of Asiatic Lilies which I had done 24-26 years ago. The seeds had been collected from the hybridizing crosses I had made working with Asiatic Lilies. The seeds stored using the freezer all that time. I should note that usually the viability of seeds, or their ability to germinate drops with each passing year, so the chances appeared slim for these seeds to germinate.

In order for the seeds to possibly germinate, to give them a good condition to possibly, they needed the right conditions. To do that, I put them into a cold frame which I have.

I have been keeping a watch on those seeds, not sure if they would germinate or not. After about 2-3 weeks and some warm temperatures, I found some of the seed germinating. That was and is encouraging. Now, these little seedlings will need the care to mature into full-sized plants capable of making a beautiful flower. From my experience, that will take 2-3 years.

Frankly, I was tempted to throw the seeds away, but I am glad I gave them a chance. If I had thrown away those seeds, it would have taken the opportunity for them to germinate and making it possible to allow the life in that seed to develop and produce possibly something beautiful. Now there is the hope of some of developing Lily seedlings having very beautiful blooms in a few years.

What I have described is like the Word of God. It is like a seed, and when given the right conditions, it will grow and bear fruit. Christ spoke of the sower who sowed seed, and the seed that fell on good ground bore fruit. Matthew 13. God also said that His word would accomplish the purpose to which it was sent. Isaiah 55:11.

How many of us in our families have someone who heard the gospel of Jesus and learned His Word when they were young? As we pray, I would encourage us to consider making sure our prayer agrees with God’s Word, and in addition is a prayer reflecting the Love of God in our hearts.

There are a lot of variables that affect seed sprouting, but it can sprout. Reflecting on this, there is a question that revolves around those we might call prodigals. When a prodigal leaves the faith, will that seed germinate and bring that prodigal back to the Lord? In the case of many prodigals, they have been away from the faith for a long time and many of us give up praying for them. The truth is, God’s word was planted in the hearts of many of them, and it can still grow and bear fruit. Christ spoke of the prodigal returning in Luke 15:11-32. The father of a prodigal watched daily for his return—probably for a long time. Finally, he returned home. Luke 15:11-32.

We do not always fully recognize how prayer works and what is happening when we pray, but prayer helps provide the right conditions for the seed to grow—Seed which is God’s Word. I encourage each of us to continue without ceasing to pray for the prodigals in our family and to trust the Lord for that seed to grow and bring forth fruit.

If I had given up and thrown that seed out, I would not have had some of it germinating and coming to life. Perhaps we should not give up, but pray and continue to pray for our prodigals.

One more thing we can do—here in Pray.Network—and that is those who have seen through prayer for prodigals, their coming back to the Lord, to share a brief note about that. It would really encourage others to pray and not stop praying.

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  • For a long time my mother was the person I prayed for most. God scared her and deep inside her she had a bitterness against Him due to things that happened to her when she was a child. She didn't trust or understand Him at all. And she was terrified of death.

    But God is patient and longsuffering. On her death bed at age 83 her heart turned to Him at last - her final words were "When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear".

    Lord Jesus was victorious against all odds.

    Now I'm praying for other prodigals in the family. May God's mercy break through for all our prodigals fully and completely. Please Lord! Job 42:2 I know that You can do all things and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. 

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