Each Tuesday morning we have a group that gathers to pray for the personal needs of our pastors and their families.  If it is convenient, they join us and we have the privilege of praying for them in person.  If not, we pray for them as the Lord leads. 


In our former church, each Monday morning we were allowed to go into the pastors’ offices and pray for spiritual cleansing of the office and the needs of the pastor that occupied the office  – most pastors off on Mondays so it didn’t  interfere with their schedules.  One of the more precious times of each week then and now!


Does your church have organized prayer for pastors and staff and if so, how does it work?

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  • We don't have an organized prayer group praying only for the pastor, but our 2 prayer groups always include specific prayers for the pastor and his family.
  • We should all pray for our pastors everyday, but occassionally we feel they just need that little extra just for them. Pray for us - we are having a prayer retreat this evening and tomorrow. (visit the retreat site http://www.campbond.org/index.htm)
  • Wow - love the idea!
  • We are a starting ministry and have just begun our pastoral prayer chain. We have individually assigned days to pray for our pastor. Since we are just entering into this assignment, suggestions are welcome from others who are more experienced in this arena.

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