Prayer For Our Nation


-- Living Bible

Proverbs 28:2  When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily; but with honest, sensible leaders there is stability.

Can I make a difference?


When we know things are awry and many moral problems exist, we may think, I cannot do any thing.

Some say yes you can, you can vote.  That is one thing,

There is more.  If we look to what God’s word says about this situation, there is more.  We find that Ez 22: 30 says “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”  God is looking for men who are honest and sensible.  These men actually stand in the gap for their nation. 

Think of your families and future children who would be affected if our nation fell from moral decay.  That is something many of us do not want to see.  So what do we need to do?  We should pray for our leaders (See I Timothy 2:1-2), that they will be men of honest integrity and sensible, and pray this
in Jesus’ Name. 

Permission is granted by the author to pass this on to others.

©2010 Lewis Turner

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