National Day of Prayer

Shirely Dobson hopes and prays that oneday the National Day of Prayer (in the Untied States) will be more popular than Valentine's Day!

Share about NDP in your locale:
  • Who makes sure something happens? Leads organizing?
  • What various approaches are used to bring people together to pray?
  • Where are various gatherings held? (courthouse steps? church facilities? Starbucks? prayerwalks?)
  • When do the activities begin and end?
  • Why are certain leaders chosen for various activities (pastors? civic leaders?)
  • How effective are your NDP gatherings?
  • ...and, how do we keep NDP fresh, relevant?

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  • I have been one of the coordinators of the NDP events in Brown County Ohio for the past few years and have been blessed to carry on some of the events started more than 12 years ago. We have 9 people involved in the planning.
    At noon we begin with a prayer around the flag pole at the county administration building led by our county auditor.
    We have a canopy set up on the lawn of the courthouse throughout the day and this year we are going to have a box where people can put prayer requests. It should also give us an opportunity to pray with people as they bring their requests forward.
    We start the evening events with a free dinner served at a church located one block from the courthouse. (We just offer soup and bread but the first year we had more than 100 people come). A praise band plays music as people begin to assemble drawing many who don't know what is about to happen. People bring their lawn chairs and we have barricades in place to block off the street.
    The head of the Chamber of Commerce is a devout Christian and he acts as our emcee for the event. Each year we choose people to pray for the seven centers of power and have included state representatives, local pastors, newspaper people, pregnancy resource leaders, school administrators, business leaders and military personnel. We have a choir leading several songs and are blessed to have a very talented Christian lady perform a solo.
    In the past we have had more than 400 people attend our gathering.
    One of the highlights of our gathering is the simultaneous Bible reading. Bible reading assignments are given to area churches and each person reads their assignment aloud at the conclusion of our service. The entire Bible is read within 15 minutes in front of the county courthouse. It is a beautiful sound!
    This year we will also be praying over all the requests in our box and will ask everyone to come forward at the conclusion of our service and take a request home with them to continue praying for those in need.
    We have been blessed with good weather the past few years, but there is an old theater one block away and we always reserve it to use in the event of rain.
    To keep the NDP fresh and relevant, we have tried to involve more young people. Local Boy Scouts bring the flags in at the beginning of the service and we now do the pledge to the American Flag, the Christian Flag and the Bible. I think that our mixture of praise music, traditional hymns and a local celebrity singing have been a good fit.
    The simultaneous Bible reading is one of the big draws and once people have experienced it, they want their friends to come with them the next year.
  • I hope to be able to lead a group on NDP. It sounds exciting as well as challenging.
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