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Christian Emergency Network
Hurricane Sandy Threat Assessment!

In any potential disaster a wise person assesses the threats, and then takes action. Sandy presents several threats that may cause large scale and long-term damage. As Christians we need to take two steps, pray for the Lord's intervention while preparing for our families, and others.


First, the storm will cause large scale storm surge coastal flooding. The map above from NOAA is an experimental effort to estimate the size and power of anticipated storm surges. The massive size of the storm is pushing enormous amounts of water toward the shore. The current forecast is for the 5-foot high New York City flood-walls to be over-topped. If this happens as forecast, the New York subway system will be flooded, along with large parts of Manhattan Island.

In addition, large battering waves will increase the effect of the storm surge. Many people have followed the evacuation orders, anyone who has not moved to higher ground should start now. Given the size of the storm, rescue personal will not be able to reach those who stay behind for some time.

Second, a large-scale power outage is expected. The map below shows the very large area expected to be affected. Many stores, especially near coastal areas are out of supplies. Assess your current situation, and the effects of a power outage that may last 10 days to two weeks in some places.


Take the following actions: Fill every available pot, pan, container and bathtub with water, pumps may not work in every community. Insure you have basic canned goods to get by. Fill containers with water and freeze, this will help your refrigerator stay colder longer when power goes out.  If available, get extra propane to cook on your grill.

Inland rain flooding is the third threat. The map below, from NOAA estimated where the rainfall is forecast to be heaviest. Fortunately, the ground is fairly dry and will absorb some water. In addition, river levels are lower then normal. This will help keep river flooding from being catastrophic. However, local flooding will be severe in many locations.

As the storm passes, those without power will experience colder temperatures. Those losing power will need to have blankets, sleeping bags and warm clothing available.  

For those in the path of the storm consider taking several steps. First, prepare the best you can now, even if you are well away from the coast. Second, if you have a large pantry consider how you may be able to minister to your neighbors.  If you have back up heat sources, take in others.

For most people the time to prepare is past, you will need to ride out the storm with what you have. Consider taking the following steps:

1.     Pray the Lord will minimize the storm effect.
2.     Pray the Lord would spare life.
3.     Pray the storm will move quickly to minimize the effects.
4.     Gather neighbors, who are willing, together now in advance for prayer.
5.     Assess the situation, ask who will be in need, ask if any neighbors will be able to help.
6.     When the storm hits agree to gather two or three times a day to assess the situation, highlight needs and possible solutions to those needs.
7.     When the Lord fed the multitudes He started with asking what was available- He took the small fishes and barley loaves and then fed the people. Likewise, when we offer what we have to the Lord, He will use those offerings in a powerful way.
8.     Become the light of Christ on your block through prayer, leadership and sharing as possible.
Every Christian ready to respond biblically to emergencies large or small. Christian Emergency Network unites Christian volunteers, community leaders and emergency professionals in equipping the Church to be aware and ready to respond in emergencies large and small.  To learn more about how you or your Christian organization can be prepared to respond to emergencies big and small go to

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  • Lord, we seek your face as the God of wisdom, power, mercy, grace, and so much more.  You are the Great I AM.  There is none greater than you- no one even close! 

    We invite you to do things that only you can do today.  Protect the homeless, comfort those displaced in advance of the storm, and meet each person where they are at.  There is no greater caretaker, preserver of life, and Wonderful Counselor, than you, Lord.  Use today's events to open hearts to the gospel- and prepare those not immediately affected by the storm to pray, assist, and respond by your leading.

    Lord, lead us in your will and your way.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

  • Many may be trying to connect to loved ones but cannot because of massive power outages.

    This can create much concern. We need to keep all in prayer who were in the path of the storm, and their families, and restoration of essential services.

    May God use the adverse storm to bring Christians together and work together letting God's love help others.

    In Jesus Name.
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