I had an idea for outreach .
Assemble volunteers who would be willing to give up a Sunday morning
once a month ( could make their church service if they have one @ 10 or 11 am)
and let the area buisiness (ex) resturants , stores ,factories,etc
who are working and can not go to church have a group of two to three
people come by and share a quick 1 or 2-3 minute devotion and share a prayer with the workers (to bring the church out side the 4 walls to where they are and show them that they are loved and that God Loves them !
Any suggestions on this ??????
I was leaning torward a interdenominational outreach where no one church was doing it.
(ps) this would take place every single sunday just need enough people to give up only 1 day out of the month to do it
I suggest you do a pilot project or two first - Contact a specific business, ask for their permission to try this out, do it for a few Sundays, ask the workers who participate to give you feedback, revise your strategy, then Go!