We are bombarded daily with an edited view of the victorious Christian life. For example, our edited view of Elijah was one who could call down fire from heaven. We know Moses as the one who split the sea, paying little to no attention to his 40 years on the backside of the desert. Paul and Silas? They're the ones who experienced a supernatural jailbreak!

We tend to overlook the fact that in most cases, the spectacular events of their lives happened only ONCE. Even the Son of God didn't spend his days walking on water. He ate, drank, fellowship-ed, played with children, attended parties, and etc.

The performances and even the miraculous we see on Christian television today has been edited. The Christian albums we hear usually take weeks to months to produce in studio edits. We only see the near-perfect and the spectacular. And if we set those as our goals to achieve, we will always be frustrated and disappointed.

We rarely see, thus do not appreciate or even expect, depictions of the daily, godly, nonreligious, natural spiritual lives that we've been called to live. We're so focused on the next (or in some cases our first) spectacular experience, that we are literally tripping over golden opportunities to enjoy and demonstrate Christ's life in us.

And the same with our relationships with God. We are so focused on His "suddenlies" that we fail to appreciate His "subtleties." We so want to see the fire fall from heaven that we fail to see the cloud the size of a man's hand.

Contrary to what we might think. Although we appreciate God's suddenlies; His preference is in the subtleties. Why? Because they are only experienced by those who are closely focused on His face, not His hand.

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and the U.S Prayer Center, consider investing in this work.
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