A Thought--Revival God's Way?

A thought after praying with 4-5 men regularly 3 days a week

Aaron and Hur held up the hands and arms of Moses in the battle, Ex 17:12, enabling the victory to come. We must not grow discouraged looking at the waves of turmoil.   


Whatever way the results turn out, God may be allowing a situation that will cause us to pray even more. When people pray, spiritual growth occurs.  It may even bring churches, and church groups like Pentecostals and Conservatives together to pray and help each other.  Maybe there are some other groups that will join in too—I.E. Anglicans, and some Catholics.  


God wants His church to join together as one.  He does not want a denominational divide.  Could that joining be the start of Revival?  John 17:11 (KJV)“… but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.” 


It is possible that this revival is not one of coming to my side and viewpoint, but coming together as one because the love of Christ, which He has for us, constrains us. II Cor 5:14-15. 


Father, we humbly come to you asking that this time of turmoil will help us seek our Lord and grow in our trust that He hears the truly deep prayer of our heart.  May we encourage and help our brothers in Christ as one family.  Let us not give up to the enemy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen 

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  • Heavenly Father, 

    You are always there, waiting for us to come to You in prayer. Thank You. We are so grateful.

    We confess that we still have much lovelessness in our hearts. 

    We confess that we don't really pray for people who have different opinions than us.

    We confess our wilfullness that causes so much division among Your people.

    Please forgive us.

    We pray with Lord Jesus that John 15:12 will become very real to us:

    This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

    Please make us one in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    Please help us to listen for Your voice and to hear You clearly and to follow You.

    Please bless all Your people.

    In the Name of Jesus Christ we praise and thank You, amen.

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