It has been a challenge to bring many together to pray-and PTL that there were a number of groups that have urged humble prayer.

Today we face even a greater challenge--Continuing the prayer for our country!  Many prayer intercessors after intensive prayer are exhausted.   They need rest--and it is a time like this that others must step up and hold the ground that we have taken.

There may be much rejoicing among some--but our new president will need regular prayer for him.  Many will stop praying because the elections are over-->and it will be difficult to continue the level of prayer that we now have experienced.  This is a challenge--as many intercessors really do need a rest from intensive praying.  To help our brothers and sisters who interceded so faithfully, others need to step up to the plate and carry on.  Such prayer after the election could protect a new president and help him grow in the Lord.  We must not return to squabbling among ourselves-Pentecostal-prophetic-conservative--or other--we must stay united for the KINGDOM of JESUS CHRIST!

Trust this challenge will be received.

Let us keep on pressing forward!!!!

A scripture to meditate on:  II Kings 13:18-19. 

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  • I agree!
  • After a period of time, praying for our country can seem to get pretty rote.  There are a number of resources that are available to us to keep our prayers fresh - from resources that help us to pray generally for God's movement in our country and for his name to be honored to resources that get very specific on prayer requests for people and events.  A couple worth mentioning include:

    With One Cry - a new book by Dave Butts that highlights several different ways to pray for the country.  This one is more in the category of general prayer topics, but those topics can be brought into specific situational praying as well.  I hope to post a review on this book soon - I found it very engaging.

    Presidential Prayer Team - This website contains a number of resources to help us pray for our country.  The resources here tend to be much more specific, praying for individuals, events, etc.  They include a daily devotion (with prayer requests) that you can sign up for, a weekly prayer alert with prayer items from the different branches of government, and many other resources.  I can't recommend this one highly enough - though they get very specific, they also manage to remain nonpartisan.  I think that their prayer items over the transition period will be particularly important for the church to agree before God on.

    I continue to try to add resources and prayer items to a group here on Pray.Network called Praying for the United States.  There are other groups and discussions here on PN that are also oriented toward praying for America.

    Thanks, Lewis, for reminding us of the importance of prayer for our country!  There are many battles ahead and much divisiveness - and we know that the source of all this is spiritual, so we need to fight these battles with spiritual weapons.

  • Amen, Lewis, still praying! And great list, Andrew. I also want to add that the free 2016 Guide, "40 Ways to Pray," is still available for download here. Includes many more groups that pray for our nation. 

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