• I am getting alot of "inspiration" lately from Pastor Robby Gallaty, author of the book, "Growing Up: How to be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples". He has alot of free Discipleship Resources available on his web site - replicateministries.org.
  • who inspires you in your Christian discipleship?

    hmmm........my quest is just a basic curiousity. Although i know friends who are christians i am curious to find out why and understand all i can of god, inspiration,,no...

    just curious

  • Who or what? I know lot of wonderful discipleship taking place, through disciple-making movements globally, but the thing that inspires me in "discipleship" is an understanding of our Mission Mandate (Matthew 24:14), the Biblical narrative to disciple the nations and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we don't understand the "what" and "why" and "where" the "who" makes little difference. The result of not understanding the first three produces what some are calling a "Theological famine" in the world today. We often tend to be personality driven instead of Person and persons driven and therein the Disciple-Making crisis...http://www.thediscipleshipnetwork.com/profiles/blogs/disciple-makin...

  • Bishop Charles E. Blake

  • My main inspiration comes from Francis Chan. His passion for the church and discipleship is right on. I like to use his short video clips within my PowerPoint presentations when I preach. I really like his Simeon Says video, it says it all.

  • Making Disciplles takes time. Soul winning is one thing, but discipling calls for patience and care and compassion and kindness and allot of sacrifice. It costs much energy. And you need to spend months to years with one person (obviously you're working on more than one at a time), plus this is more of a one on one effort than other 'church' or Christian callings. The church courses and all are great, but when the 'potential' disiple leaves the environment of protection and guidance, he/she will need wisdom and the Word and power of The Holy Spirit and to know how to 'operate' in those areas for themselves. Spiritual battles await.

  • For me there are a lot of great leaders who inspire me in discipleship, but I would have to say that at the top of the list is Jim Putman, author of "Real Life Discipleship" and "DiscipleShift." Check out RDN1.com for more information.

  • AJ said:

    who inspires you in your Christian discipleship?

    hmmm........my quest is just a basic curiousity. Although i know friends who are christians i am curious to find out why and understand all i can of god, inspiration,,no...

    just curious

    AJ - A good place to find out about God is the Gospel of John in the Bible - I would challenge you to read it and underline every time Jesus says I AM - then come back and tell us who Jesus says he is, and who you think He is. 

  • What motivates me is what happened to me in 1972 when the man who led me to Christ followed me up and how that changed my life in such a way that I began reaching others and doing the same thing. Since pastoring I have come to realize very few leaders in churches are unified about what a disciple is and how to make disciples.

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