An interview with member Rev. MichaEl Hirsch ~ Michael, please share with us how the Lord gave you a special concern/focus for pastors

MichaEl Hirsch – Having served as a local pastor in one church for 29 years I have seen the need for pastors to stand together in support of each other on matters that affect the communities we serve in. 

I have found that when pastors meet and pray together regularly regarding a community need or some other specific burden, their hearts are knit together as they seek and hear from the Lord and come to agreement with what they believe He would have them to do. The blessing of unity produce by standing together in agreement is many times evident in the fruitfulness of the events that are the outcomes of such joint prayer. ~ You have developed what you call, "P3" pastors ... please explain what "P3" refers to and why that combination is so essential to their ministry and to the Church. 

MichaEl Hirsch – P3 is an initiative of the Family Research Council for those who are Watchmen Pastors. 

  • P3 are ministers commit to Pray, Preach and Partner together!
  • They will Pray and lead the church to become a "House of Prayer," crying out for revival, awakening, and national renewal.
  • They will Preach on moral issues from a biblical perspective, focusing on Christian Citizenship at least one Sunday a year. (Christian Citizenship Sunday, National Day of Prayer, Sanctity of Life Sunday, Pulpit Freedom Sunday are examples)
  • They will Partner with three or more pastors for prayer and united action, leading efforts to make a positive impact in your community, state, and our nation. ~ Talk with us about each point - You begin with "Pray" but describe the type and depth of prayer you envision for pastors and how that will impact their congregation.

MichaEl Hirsch – A simple prayer meeting driven with a desire to form mutually supportive relationships, not push personal agendas or seek personal advancement. ~ Does "Preach" come from Acts 6:4? 

MichaEl Hirsch – Preaching as a ministry of God’s word is certainly in that text but I also look to Paul’s mandate to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2. ~ Through my work with the National Pastors' Prayer Network, I have seen the biblical foundation to "Partner" with other pastors and leaders, but I have also seen strong resistance or, at the other end of the spectrum, apathy. What has your experience been and what would you say to those not interested? Not willing? Willing but not sure how to begin?


MichaEl Hirsch – In many cases it’s just a matter of time until a local pastor will come up on a situation where they realize they need other pastors to stand with them. I have found that many pastors welcomed the opportunity to shoulder the burden with others and to show support. ~ Please write a prayer for pastors who need to see this vision for their ministry

MichaEl Hirsch – Father, I pray for the pastors to awaken to your calling to be watchmen at the gates and over their communities. May they stand together in your power and authority for righteousness.  Cause them to come into agreement for your kingdom to come and your will to be done where you have placed them. May they experience a greater anointing on their agreement and the refreshing that comes from your presence in corporate prayer and be strengthened for the days ahead. In Jesus name, amen.

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  • Wonderful interview. Thank you for posting. The prayer is powerful and a GREAT prayer to effectively pray for over the community pastors. GOD BLESS YOU!
  • Praise God for this effort. I am praying & working toward this same thing in OK. I want to broaden it out a include kingdom leaders...vocational & volunteer...along with their spouses...bring them together for an evening of encouragement, praying for these 3 topics. Right 1. Relationships w God, self & others, 2. Revival in The Church 3. Effective Evangelism/Discipleship through The Church.
    Many are seeing the need to come together for prayer. God is prompting this across our nation.
  • NOTE ~ 

    The National Pastors' Prayer Network shares this vision and since 1996 has sought to identify praying pastors.

    Please add your PPG (pastors' prayer group) to our listing at

    May God extend the reach of the P3 initiative!

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