A praise to God for His Mighty Hand in my life!
YOU ARE GOD! You rule the universe and all that is in it! I give you rule over my life because I trust you will bless me beyond measure. I pray to you for my safety because I know you will keep me safe! I give you my heart with great love, because I know you love me more than I can ever imagine. You are a great and mighty ruler who has given me everything that I need and you promise me the desires of my heart. My heart is kept pure and spirit full of wonder at the endless gifts you bestow on me!
Your love is like a mighty river that flows through me and over me, filling my heart and my life with awe as your gifts over flow in my world. My life is all about you O Lord! You are my maker, you are my healer, and you have baptized me in the holy spirit.All that I do, I do for you, in your name that your blessings will continue to overflow in my life and my soul. You alone are my savior and my healer. My only short coming is that I cannot express my gratitude enough to reveal my true feelings. There are no words to express my love and my longing to hear your mighty and gentle loving voice in my life. Thank you, Heavenly Father for accepting my broken soul into your kingdom! Thank you for your companionship and for speaking your Word into my heart.
I will follow you all the days of my life with love and devotion. I can never truly show you the love I hidden my heart. I can never match the love you have returned to me. You are a great and mighty God who rescues us all from the enemy! I am grateful to you for the safety you have afforded me and the favor that follows me, for I am a Child of the most highGod!