Wake up, America!

by Maureen Bravo   05-14-13 


To my sisters and brothers in Christ...If you are discouraged at the news reports of what has been taking place in our government of late, you need only look at what is called the "church" in our nation to see why we are in this mess. Like those who are affiliated with and deceived by political ideologies that allow them to support liars, thieves and murderers, many "church attendees" are also deluded and are supporting leaders who are shamelessly using their positions and influence to build their own "kingdoms"…and to do that, they milk the sheep. False doctrines (ie. we are all going to heaven because God is so nice that He wouldn't condemn anyone to hell "if there is one") abound and there is silence because scriptures (ie. not touching the man of God) have been twisted to protect those who do and support evil.

Why are we surprised when we see spiritual leaders fall if they are no different than those governmental leaders in the secular world? If we want it to stop, we must be about our Father's business...and "clean up the temple"...NOW!

We know that judgment starts in the house of God. Before we can point a finger or demand a change in our government, we ourselves need to be right with God! There are no "double standards" with Him! Instead of running from Him, let us return to Him, repent, acknowledge His Lordship and embrace His Word. Let's believe it...act on it...share it...nurture it...and sound the alarm to our families, our friends and those in our circles of influence!  Let the fire on the altars of the hearts of those in every congregation be reignited, so that they will "awaken, arise and adore Him... consecrate themselves to Him anew and once again, begin to worship Him over this nation". 

•           Pray fervently for the redemption of the hearts and minds of the people of this nation, that they will be freed from deception and able to embrace the truth.

•           Pray that they will begin to hunger and thirst for righteousness...for Liberty and Justice.

•           Pray that life, liberty and the pursuit of VIRTUE will be our common goal!

The blessed Freedoms that we enjoy today were hard won... and then preserved at great price...through the blood, sweat and tears of generations of God-fearing, patriotic Americans. We need to wake up now...before it's too late! 

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  • Thank you for sharing these Spiirit-guided insights and warnings. How we need them today.
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