"Pray, America! Pray!" Update September 17, 2010 Hello Faithful Ones! First, we want to THANK YOU again for your faithfulness in helping us to get the Word out! God is definitely moving by His Spirit across our nation. We were so encouraged and our hearts stirred as we watched The Call event in Sacramento with Lou Engle. What a powerful event for our nation!
Today, we want to share some upcoming prayer events with you, and also share some prayer requests.
PRAY & ACT: Begins September 20th We also want to make you aware of another major prayer event about to take place in a few days. We want to encourage everyone to take part in this season of fasting and prayer. It is beautiful to see the concert of prayer God is orchestrating across our nation. How majestic and perfect are His ways! We are one body, and all of us need to come together at this critical time in our nation to bring America to her knees. Click here for details on this event. 
SEE YOU AT THE POLE: September 22nd (Youth) This event is September 22nd at schools across the nation. Click here for more details.
40 DAYS+ INTO THE STREETS: Begins September 22nd (Every Christian) This begins in unison with the See You At the Pole Event. We are calling all of God’s people across the nation to the Flag poles on a daily basis for prayer throughout the day. Click here for details.

HOST CHURCHES for "Pray, America! Pray!" Events: Please Pray for God’s perfect will as we begin to reach out to Churches across the nation to host “Pray, America, Pray!” Events for their cities and communities. We are believing God for these to be televised or live streamed. These events will include powerful times of worship, genuine repentance on behalf of the Church and the nation, preaching, and a dedicated time of fervent and heartfelt prayer for the Church and our nation. We will also be sharing the Vision of "Pray, America! Pray!" and extending a call to churches throughout these cities and the nation to join with us as we cry out for a Great Spiritual Awakening across our nation!
Can You Help Us? Your donation of $20.00 or more will greatly help us with many resources needed to move forward in this campaign. You may Donate here or click the "Give" button below. Thank you in advance for your generosity and prayers!
 | Our Special Gift to You! For those who can give a One-Time donation of a $100 or more E. M. Bounds: The Classic Collection On Prayer (Pure Gold Classic - Paperback) The classic authoritative collection on prayer. An all-inclusive look at the subject of prayer. Eight complete books gathered in one convenient volume. Perfect for personal devotions or group study. |
Together We Can Change a Nation!