The Holy Spirit Cannot Be Tivoed

We live in busy times.  God, family, work, obligations, sporting events, TV programs, webinars, deadlines, and more, tug at us; competing for our attention and striving to obtain #1 status in our hearts, minds, and lives.  While there's a sense of goodness, maybe even comfort, in knowing that one is in demand; at what cost does busyness take?

A friend recently shared an acronym relating to the word, busy...


Most, if not all, things that busy us are good things in and of themselves.  Yet busyness is a key tool our enemy uses to separate us from God- especially if the activity can take our mind or heart's attention away from God's ever-presence or nearness in our lives.  One might call it the plague of distraction.

I hear many people talk about Tivo-ing their favorite TV programs to watch at a later time.  While this is a handy tool for the TV/entertainment medium, let me remind you that God, and His Spirit, can not be Tivoed. 

Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.  Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. - Isaiah 55:6-9

I don't know if you've considered this, but God frequently tests us- and often at times that may seem inopportune. 
Have you felt the Holy Spirit tug your heart to stop what you're doing and pray with somebody at a specific moment?  Has God ever quickened your heart to stop what you're doing and listen to His voice for a few moments?  Maybe He's prompted you to take a different route on the way to a destination you're traveling to?  Did you obey in the moment, or did you attempt to Tivo Him (put Him off until a more convenient time)?

If we're honest with ourselves, we've all Tivoed God (placed our endeavors, schedules, concerns, plans, etc.) ahead of God's in a specific moment in time.  It happened to me a number of times this past week. 

It's not pleasant to realize when one's put God off for their own selfish desires, schedule, or busyness.  Often, what God planned to do or share in that moment is lost.  Other times, He may offer a window of grace for us to repent and immediately follow Him in His prompting.  God is working to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ- so sometimes the lesson is best learned through us realizing our error, but also losing the blessing we may have received as a result of our delayed obedience.  Tough lesson!

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. - Ephesians 2:10

It's humbling to realize that God, in His infinite wisdom, joy, and grace, has established Divine appointments, times of personal meeting with Him, and other specific "works" for us to do at specific times; long, long, ago.  In seeking Him and being in His presence (even while accomplishing the duties of life), we'll begin to realize these things He's prepared for us within each day He gives us.  First we watch.  Then we realize His promptings.  Then we humbly obey in the moment.  We let God lead, direct our times, and receive the glory (He might even bless us in a special way through our obedience- although being in His presence and hearing His voice is blessing enough, in my opinion!).

Lord, today I seek your face to worship You, thank you, and honor you.  Show me any thing or way within me that obstructs your Spirit from filling me fully.  I desire to place You and your ways before mine.  Align my thoughts, schedule, plans, and desires with yours today- and help me to pray, meet you, and others at the exact times you've set aside.  You are faithful and will give me the words, thoughts, and actions in those moments as I humble myself before You.  I'm sorry for selfishly Tivo-ing you and your Spirit's promptings.  I desire to better hear your voice and respond to Your Spirit's quickening of my heart, mind, and life.  It's You I long to glorify.  Not myself or my ways any longer.  You are my Lord, King, Shepherd, and Savior.  Thank you for first loving me and drawing me to Yourself through faith.  Help me to hear and seek you every moment of this day.  You, alone are my Lord, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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