I was new on the Seminary faculty.  He had been around awhile. I was honored that he and his wife invited my wife and I to their home for dinner. The meal was delicious and the fellowship around the table was even better.  Then he said he wanted to show me something.  Down the hall we went into what was originally designed to be a middle bedroom.  As we entered the room he said, “This is my prayer room.” In the room there was only a kneeling bench – an old pulpit that some students had cut lower so that the reading area was at eye level for one kneeling on the attached bench. On the reading area sat an open Bible and a note pad. The room was illumined with only indirect light. Stepping from the hallway into the prayer room, was an experience I could only liken too how the biblical priests must have felt when they entered the Holy Place of the Tabernacle/Temple (I Kings 8:10-11). Speechless, all I could think was, “This is different, like entering the very presence of God.” Then I thought, why not? If the only activity ever experienced in this room, was communion with God, then the special Shekinah glory, the presence of God, never left the room.  Thus, it was felt upon entering. But it was just a suburban bedroom! My later reflection was that there is no holy ground, just ground made holy because we repeatedly meet God there. I expressed appreciation for allowing me to see the room, and we went back to the table for desert, but I was not the same. Thank you, T.W. Hunt for your special friendship. Thank you for helping me to see more clearly, and to know more fully! We will miss you but rejoice that as you bow before our Holy God in a place prepared for your eternal dwelling; you now see and know the full presence (I Corinthians 12:12).

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