Why shed the blood of a lamb
that can't trample a scurrying ant
nor scare a perching fly;
that can't hurt a brooding hen
nor startle preening chicks;
that can't raise her voice above a baa
nor bleat in a noise-free zone;
that can't brawl with fellow lamb
nor upset her shepherd's peace;
that can't restrict udder to her young
nor deny fingers of a milking maid;
that can't shield her ram from harm
nor resist a nod to slaughter table;
that gently walks to shearing shade,
humbly yields her throat to a knife;
whose silence shouts her innocence.
Is it for food or fur?
No, to free the wild from harm,
stop beasts from shedding blood;
make the world fit for humans,
and humans fit for God.
© Celestine S. Ikwuamaesi
He died for all that all May live for him;
so it will be till he comes again.
I pray that the church send the light,
and the world see beyond the cross.
Lord Jesus Christ,
Thank You for freeing us from sin and death.
Thank You that You will stop all bloodshed when You come to be King over all of creation.
Thank You for making humans fit fot God.
Thank You that You always keep all Your promises.
We praise You for conquering sin and death.