Dear praying friends,
I invite you to pray, using a special prayer guide called 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. This annual prayer guide calls Christians from all over the world to pray for Muslims during Ramadan, July 20 to August 18, 2012. Ramadan is the special month of fasting and praying in which Muslims pray in special ways according to Islamic tradition.
Many of you have prayed using either of our prayer guides, Seek God for the City or Global Day of Prayer, so I’m sure this prayer guide is something you will want to consider.
This full-color prayer guide—available in both adult and children’s versions—is a proven tool to help Christians pray with informed wisdom and hope for Muslim neighbors across the street, and Muslims around the world. Each day focuses on a specific issue or area of the Islamic world. As you read through it and pray, you’ll gain a better understanding of Muslims and find your hope increase for God’s purpose among all peoples.
To see a few sample pages of the adult or children’s version, visit WayMakers has made it easy to order from our website or by phone. The cost begins at $3 for a single copy ($3.50 for children’s) with discounts as great as 60% when ordered in quantity. Check out the details online at or call us at 512.419.7729.
Yours in hope,
Steve Hawthorne, Director
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