Casting Vision for 2015A Time for Advance I am delighted to have opportunity to address AWAKENING FLORIDA'S PRAYER ARMY this first day of the new year! It is an honor to serve in this capacity with all of you who are making a difference in our state. My expectation level is HIGH for the new year and I have NO DOUBT that as we partner with Holy Spirit we can see amazing SHIFTS in Florida. It begins in our hearts first as we continue to go deeper in our altars and continue to draw God's Presence throughout the state. There is so much on my heart to share and yet I want to be precise and compact with it all so let's begin. Our focus for the year will be "SOS 2015". For identifiable purposes, "SOS" is an international distress call and my limited research says it does not stand for "Save Our Ship" or anything similar. However, for our purposes it does....Shift Our Society. I am not only speaking about the culture which desperately needs shifting, but also the society of believers. I believe we would all agree the severity of the times requires us to CRY out over the distress of our state/nation AND the church.
We will this year, advance with intentional mobility to gather intercessors/intercessory groups under ONE BANNER - JESUS CHRIST. While we in Awakening have a mandate with altars, we will SHIFT our old wineskin thinking away from the traditional church mindset of exclusivity into a broader Kingdom view and let the KING be the KING over all and PARTNER with all intercessors/intercessory groups across the state! HALLELUJAH!!! In the Kingdom, we focus on the KING and HIS ruler-ship which is sure to develop the PARTNERSHIPS needed to shift our state. As AFPA we joyously look for intercessory connections for unifying and embrace the gift(s) in one another. We will re-educate ourselves by modeling unified identity and thereby make a very needed SHIFT within the Body of Christ. PLEASE help me promote this mentality. Share it often and become an ambassador for AFPA. Even now, I am in the process of developing PARTNERSHIPS that will have significant impact for "SOS 2015". If momentum continues at the current rate, we will PARTNER with the HOPS (Houses of Prayer) across Florida for establishing state-wide prayer in some form AND we will begin to raise up youth who will take on Apostolic responsibilities and oversight within our state for the advancement of prayer on all fronts. We will be joining with the HOPS at Onething Orlando for the 2015 PRAYER LEADERS SUMMIT. I will be sending more information on this very soon so you may register. It will be held at Church in the Son, Orlando, Friday, January 23 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and we will launch strategic plans from there. If you are unable to attend - not to worry! I will be sending eblasts with followup info so you will be informed either way. If you can make it, I KNOW you will enjoy meeting other Prayer Leaders at round table discussions, so give it some thought. (It is not necessary to sign up for ONETHING conference to attend this meeting.)
In conclusion, I want to add a final thought for pressing in this year. As I have continued to say on our past conference calls, we want to CRY OUT over Florida for God's Presence to be drawn into our state. As you know, on the calls last year, I focused on various topics across the state but I would like to just seed your thinking about three (3) areas I believe to be on Father's heart; Cities, Racial Reconciliation, Youth. As you will note, this is the acronym for CRY. While I believe the first "CRY" to develop is with the youth, there are negotiations in place now to develop the other two. So, please keep these in mind as we move forward. Our youth MUST receive the baton of prayer and leadership from the older generation. The aged have wisdom and saged advice....the youth, strength and stamina for the race. We must run together for a season. "For with wise guidance, you can wage a successful war, and in multitude of counsellors and with a council of many advisors, you will be victorious!" (The Voice) Proverbs 24:6 JUDY BRALAND Awakening Florida Prayer Army Director |
We are in the process of setting up new media that will shift our entire Awakening Florida website to include the Prayer Army: Much research is going into this effort and we ask that you give consideration toward spending some time in prayer over this process. It is the foundation for all future communication and we know darkness has access in this area. Our God is greater when we call on His Name!