Sharing Evanlogicalism 2021.03.29

Humans like to be recognized and rewarded for things they have created.  They had the idea for the book, the story, the new invention, the improvement to an existing object, discovering a procedure, cure or vaccine to treat medical illness, etc.


They refer to these creations as “my innovation” or “my book.”  Others refer to them as “produced by” or “written by.”  Evanlogicals, however, see things differently.


This begins with a word most would spell “i-d-e-a.”  The Evanlogical spelling is “Inspiration.”  The capitalization in that spelling is not an error.  It is reverent.


God Created everything in and on this earth.  Thus, the Evanlogical version of the phrase “there is nothing new under the Son.”


This means everything spoken of above, has always been known to God.  The human “creators” and “their ideas” are nothing more than a revelation by God.  Evanlogicals share things that have been Shared with them.  They transcribe what has been Shared with them indicating that it is merely shared by.


The Gospels are called the Books of Matthew, Luke, Mark and John.  They are also referred to as the Gospels according to Matthew, Luke, Mark and John.  Aren’t they really By God, According to God?  Shouldn’t they, Evanlogically, be titled the Gospels as Shared by Matthew, Luke, Mark and John?


Some may consider Evanlogicals prideful because they claim Inspiration for things produced through them.  We ask those to pray over this:


Which is more humble?

Claiming human creation?

Acknowledging Inspiration by God?

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