This month, October, 2017, Prayer Assist began sending copies of “Making your Church a House of Prayer” recording by Dr. Mel Blackaby (Henry Blackaby’s son and current pastor) to praying pastors as a Pastor’s Appreciation gift. The recordings are made available to pastors and their staff for FREE.
Here’s how you can help: You can help Prayer Assist resource more praying pastors with the “Making your Church a House of Prayer” recording.
1. Pray that pastors and their staffs would be impacted to ask the Lord, “How can I lead your people to be a “House of prayer”?
2. Send names and addresses:
a. If you know of a praying pastor who would benefit from receiving this recording, please reply with their name and mailing address and Prayer Assist will mail the recording to your pastor for FREE.
3. Invest: You can invest in this praying pastors initiative by making a tax-deductible gift to Prayer Assist. For an investment of any amount, your will receive a copy of this powerful recording and scripture prayer resources you can use!
a. For every gift of $10.00 or more, Prayer Assist will be able to send a copy of “Making your Church a House of Prayer” to praying pastors.
b. Help Prayer Assist with postage for the mailings. $3.00 pays for 1 mailing. You can make a donation to cover postage or mail $1 stamps to me. (Available at Post Office)
To make a tax-deductible investment in Prayer Assist:
1. On-line: Visit and enter your gift or
2. Send a check payable to "Community Impact” to Thomas Bush, Prayer Assist, 7918 El Cajon Blvd, Suite N137, La Mesa, CA 91942
Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering partnering with Prayer Assist to resource praying pastors!
Blessings Thomas Bush, Director, Prayer Assist.