As we prepare for The Call Detroit. Take time to listen to these timely messages below. It is urgent.
It will be an amazing time. This is not a conference but it is 24 hours of Prayer and Fasting - looking to God to return his passion, love and changing power to our cities, our communities and our Nation.
It is amazing what God is beginning to do in such a city as Detroit that has probably been one of the most embattled cities in our Nation. The recession has probably hit this city worse than most any city in our Nation. Even before this recesion, Detroit has been a continual seat of poverty, violence, gangs, destruction, racial division and ethnic tensions.
But as you take time to listen to this short message and as you listen to all of the needs of the ministries of that city - they all have recognized that government programs, volunteerism or any other social programs known to man - in the church or out of the church - has not yet been able to resolve or totally meet the needs of a lost generation. Thousands upon thousands ( especially young people ) have recognized that the only solution to our Nation's woes is worship, seeking God, praying and returning to that place where we once again depend on God, so that the blessings of God might once spread throughout this Nation.
God is returning his church to be what it was originally intended to be - " A House of Prayer "
Jesus went to the temple and he spoke as was recorded in all 3 gospels of Matthew 21:13, Luke 19:46 and in Mark 11:17 And as he ( Jesus ) taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’[c]? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’[d]”. He was quoting from the Old Testament in the Book of Isaih 56:7 and Jeremiah 7:11.
God has already brought prayer to thousands of Houses of Prayer all across every city in this Nation, but he wants it to return to the local churches.
S.D. Gordon quotes " Prayer strikes the winning blow; Service is simply picking up the pieces ".
We realize that volunteerism may make people like us or it may suffice to meet a need temporarliy, but only God can truly go to the crux and the core of sin. Our programs and volunteerism will have the true effect that God always intended it to have, when it originates from HIS heart and when it is birthed in Prayer from HIS Heart alone. When that happens true revival will begin to break out in our churches and campuses and we won't be able to control the number of people who will flood to us, to come to find out of how to make their life right with God.
It is beginning all across this Nation in Churches and on College Campuses.
God is marking a Young Generation for Revival in our Churches and especially in our College Campuses.
Take time to watch the video below.
God is making his house " A House of Prayer ". Not because he wants us to just sit around a pray all day but he wants our lives and our ministries to truly be effective as he intended them to be. He also wants us to be lovers of him MORE than lovers of service and ministry.
When we have our love and our priorities right, then there is nothing that is impossible for us to accomplish on this earth.
May God Bless.
Ron Brumbaugh
Establishing Prayer in Every City and Every University in this Nation.
Remember: It is not IF you pray - but - HOW you pray.
Contact us if you would like to organize prayer in your Church or your College Campus.
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