It's two weeks into the new year... How many of us have already dropped out in our resolutions? Take a look at this encouragement from Bob Allums, Director of A Praying Life, a ministry of seeJesus, on how to pray deliberately about this year.
One thing I have learned following Jesus all these years is that he will lead you straight into situations where you are in over your head.
This new year will be no different. You can plan on it. He will ask things of you that you cannot possibly deliver without entering a prayer story by asking big, bold things of him --then watching and engaging with the story that develops.
He did it with Philip in John 6, for example, when he "lifted up his eyes and saw the large crowd coming toward him." He asked Philip, "Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?"
Here is the clincher, "He said this to test him, for he himself already knew what he would do." Don't you love it?
The very Lord who knows what he is going to do in your seemingly overwhelming situations this year is the same one who repeatedly commands you and me to ask! "Ask anything in my name," he says. By giving you situations where you are in over yourhead, he will draw you into the prayer story. He will draw you into himself.
As you think through your goals for the new year, take him at his command to ask and not lose heart. Imagine big things -- but then remember as you ask him, you are not only obeying his command, you are also living in faith. This is exactly what he wants of you.
I like to do this by brainstorming on a legal pad and focusing on all of the big things I would love to see happen this year. For example, for years I have wanted A Praying Life to go into China.
Eight years ago, when I started asking it of the Lord, it appeared to be way too big to even be realistic. I was tempted to do what many do and simply let my heart die to this. Nevertheless, I kept asking because that is what Jesus told me to do. It didn't feel natural, in other words.
This year, however, my ask looks like this:
"Father, years ago we started this prayer story. Years ago, I felt like Philip must have felt when he thought about feeding a crowd of that size. Now, as the prayer story has developed, we now have the Chinese translation of the A Praying Life Seminar Participant's Manual. It looks like we have the right man who can take it in. It looks likewe have the connection in country. Can this, indeed, be THE year we get to do this? I am asking big. I am asking boldly. And, I cannot wait to see what you're going to do this year. I am at the ready. I am awaiting your command. In Jesus' name... Amen!"
This week, I hope you'll pour out your heart about any and everything that is there.Write out your goals. Feel free to think about big ministry goals, but also brainstorm about relationship goals, vocational goals, books to be read, weight to be lost, budgets to be written, etc. Then ask, and start your prayer card!
Nothing is out of bounds to you, the disciple of Jesus. It is going to be great to see whathe does in all of these prayer stories. I can't wait! It's one reason why I find seeJesus Ministries: A Praying Life so exhilarating!
Blessings in the new year,
Bob Allums
Director, seeJesus: A Praying Life Seminar