Praying James 2:14-26

Beginning with the month of May, we are praying The Book of James on the Ranger Joe’s God and Country Show .James 2:14-26

Oh Father, as we read this famous passage we admit that there has been much confusion and disagreement over what James meant. Forgive us Father, as a nation and as Your church, for not looking at this kind of a passage with the balance of the rest of scripture. Lord, we have allowed extremes to flourish, both on the grace side (so sin is okay), and on the works side (so we have lost the meaning of grace). Lord, give us, thru Your word, the proper balance in our lives and cause us to be called Your friend, just like You called Abraham Your friend. In the name of Your Son, who did the work of dying on the cross, and had faith in You to raise Him from the dead, we pray, amen.



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