God calls us to be transformed by his love in order to make us instruments of his love to the whole world. And the routines of our lives are part of a mighty symphony, because in God’s orchestral hall the “transformation movement” is never limited to the religious elements of life. In fact, more than in houses of worship, it is taking place in the marketplace.
The marketplace (the heart of the nation) has already been redeemed by Jesus and now needs to be reclaimed by His followers. When we are living in God’s world, we can walk and work in confidence that what we do will make an eternal difference, and we certainly don’t have to “manufacture” it with magnificent sights and sounds. Because God equips us with unique gifts and talents designed to shine light where there has been darkness. Even silence is part of God’s plan less we forget that much of the extraordinary deeds that are radically transforming schools, companies, prisons, cities, and even nations comes to us through ordinary things.
That’s where most of us live. But the fact that we do so does not mean we simply put life on some kind of spiritual autopilot. We cannot change what we do not embrace. We cannot fix what we don't know is broken. If we “speak peace to people and to the systems that are around us” in times of challenge, we “listen to find out where the pain and brokenness is” in our schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods in our regular lives. If we talk to God about someone else's problem, and let it be known that the kingdom of God is near, we can connect people’s need with God's resources and confirm that the power and presence of God is "in the neighborhood".
We do not pray as those called to build the Church but as those who are called to take the Kingdom of God where the kingdom of darkness is still entrenched in order for Jesus to build His Church. For we are called to do ordinary things in a way that will bring the will of God in heaven to our earth every day as we seek to dislodge systems within our spheres of influence that keep us and others poor, spiritually, relationally, materially and motivationally. And it begins with something as simple as two words: “Our Father….”
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