Pray In The New Year – The Great Escape
Seriously? Praying in the New Year with The Great Escape?
Movie . . . The Great Escape
Steve McQueen looks up at his colleague who has just been killed and decides to get the information outside the camp, get himself recaptured, and then give up his freedom, for the rest of his colleagues.
What are you willing to give up for other Christians?
You are on the precipice of a brand new year and I cannot think of anything better to decide, than to pray. Will you?
Read Today’s Verse
1 Samuel 12:23a (HCSB) “As for me, I vow that I will not sin against the LORD by ceasing to pray for you. . .
Background for Today’s Prayer:
Just like in the movie, sometimes a commitment is costly.
When was the last time you promised to pray for someone, but didn’t?
Have you ever considered praying for that person’s request even though the need is over?
I know it sounds odd, but remember, God is outside of time?
Have you ever asked God to rehear your prayers afresh?
Lord the verse above is sobering. I rarely consider it sin when I do not pray for someone I promised to. Lord, would You create in me a desire to make prayer my foremost spiritual discipline this year. And Lord, while I am praying, let me leave a legacy of praying, to those around me. Let them see me pray with my Bible open. Thank You Lord.
Join us tomorrow as we begin to Prepare the Heart, in and for Prayer:
Pray All Year With us at #PrayAllYear.
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Lord, help us to persevere in prayer.
1 Thess 5:17 Pray without ceasing. BSB