Post-Thanksgiving Praying

Back to complaining.  We’ve now entered the post-Thanksgiving days.  For 364 days each year many people complain to God that roses have thorns. On Thanksgiving Day, they thank God that thorns have roses.   Why do we do that? Why do we not thank God all year around for everything? I read the other day about a man who complained to God because his car was slow starting one morning, making him late for an appointment.  The reply was that the car starting slow was delayed because God was preventing the man from being involved in a twelve car pile-up on the freeway. I remember missing a flight from Florida to New Orleans a few years ago because the person driving me to the airport was slow and uncertain of all the correct turns. While I was waiting on the next flight and telling God how upset I was, I learned that the flight I missed had run off the run-way during its landing in New Orleans, injuring several passengers. Now, listen to Paul talk about a 365 day thanksgiving prayer, “We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers” (1 Thessalonians 1:2). Thanksgiving prayers have now been voiced.  Keep it up!

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