Introduction: The scripture is full of places where God asserts His ownership of His people. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 28:9; 31:23 and 34:9, etc.) Ownership means that the person has given themselves to the Father. Ownership brings with it great promises. In Psalm 34:15-17 we find a passage where His promises are given for the benefit of His people.
David writes here of His love for His people. Here are the ways that He shows His love for us and His disdain for those who are not His.
The first one is enough to convince me that He is to be trusted as my owner. He, the Father, sees good people and listens to their prayer. He listens! The Master and Creator of the universe listens to us individually. All he asks for in return is to show two of the characteristics of giving Him ownership. He asks you to obey what He shows in prayer. Then He asks you to trust Him with what He shows you. He has a purpose for what happens to us in life. He asks you to spend time with Him in the Word and in Prayer. Could you not tarry with me for one hour?
The second point is against those who do evil. He says that He will cause them not to be remembered. He is speaking to those who do not show the ownership characteristics of submission to and reliance on God. When we depend on ourselves, are egotistical, selfish, fomenters of dissension, etc. we are opposed to God.
The next one is incredible. He says that He hears the cries of good people and saves them from their trouble. Yes He does save His people. When His people cry out in humility and faith they hear from God. In this way we show two more characteristics of ownership.
The final point is almost beyond belief. He says that He is close to the brokenhearted. He also saves those who have had their spirits crushed. In this world everyone I know has fit into one or both of these two categories at least once in their life. Some have been literally crushed by what the world handed them. If you talk to the abused, addicted, alienated, etc. you will soon find that “crushed” is an accurate description.
But what if God has a purpose for this brokenness? What if He has a way for you to recover from this brokenness that brings you recovery and Him glory at the same time? I know full well that when I write this that some are going to write me off as simplistic. That’s ok, because I know what the Spirit of the Lord is showing me in this verse.
Like many of you I have had my life and spirit crushed by life’s worst and people’s insensitivity and actions. Because I have experienced the horrid crushing that threatens to blow up the pieces of life, I can say that it is not simplistic, just short and practical.
When I was in the throes of the pain of being crushed in nearly every aspect of life the words of my most important mentor came to me. The voice said, “Dale don’t be like most people who face tough times and run from God, instead run to God.”
This is totally opposite of what the world teaches and what we would do naturally. So as a challenge, try this method. Instead of just tossing God on the garbage heap of disdain, ask Him what he wants you to learn. Ask Him what His purpose for this “crap” is. Tell him in an angry (shout) voice what your difficulty is. (David did this many times as he sang his songs/psalms to God.) Call Him to fulfill His promise to always be with us. I dare you to shout at God that you need help.
Then submit to His will and wait. Be still and know that He is God. You are more receptive to the thoughts of God when you are you get quiet instead of focusing on what has beaten you up. When we focus on Him instead of our brokenness we are more prone to hear His answer. When you are at your weakest, God is at His strongest.
Now go take a nap, sleep the whole night through and then get up and do it again. Follow this pattern until you get relief. It works. It sometimes takes a long time. But the end result is awesome.
Your brokenness can be a tool for great good in the Kingdom. You will become a wounded healer. The wounded and broken and crushed are the best witnesses of recovery.
Point: As you develop the characteristics of being owned by God in your life you will become more intimate with Him. Then you will see some tremendous promises fulfilled.
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