Our culture has accepted two huge lies !

One Nation Under God “

God – Morality - Our Nation

Christianity and Politics


Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord

The people he chose for his inheritance

Psalm 33:12


Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate. Rick Warren

After all of these years of prayer for our nation I believe that we are finally seeing more and more Christians rising to the cause of Jesus Christ and the world does not know how to handle that.

Hopefully it is not too late for our culture. As soon as we speak convictions and moral absolutes it obviously riles people because it confronts them with a just and righteous God. As one pastor recently said, if sinners feel comfortable, warm and toasty in my church then I wonder if I am preaching the same gospel as Jesus, Peter and Paul.

It is amazing moment when you pick up a book or listen to a sermon on a subject that God has already been speaking to you about over the past months or years. All of a sudden that sermon or book solidifies and seals what God himself, has been trying to speak with you in the past months or even years.

To me this happens all of the time.

Several years ago I was in a large mega church in New York City and the message that was spoken was exactly what God had been speaking into my heart for months and even back into the early days of my Christianity. But that morning there in New York City it all came together. It was a moment that changed my life and I made a permanent change in yielding to what God had already been speaking to me most of my life as a Christian.

Most recently reading the book “ Radical “ by David Platt, one of those moments happened again, where we are reminded that our calling in life was not just to live the “ American Dream “ but to live out the “ Great Commission “, every day of our Christian lives. It is easy to say that we are all doing that today by just simply living a quiet Christian life and not yielding to the worlds ungodly desires – but is there more?

One of the hardest tasks here in the DC area and in America is to awaken churches and Christians to seek God and to pray for our Nation. Prayer and intercession is not a big Christian crowd gatherer, but yet when done right, we have seen thousands and thousands show up in our churches to pray all across this Nation. We as Christians are all commended for attending church and church related activities and even commended for volunteering in our communities, but as soon as we pray, seek God and speak publicly on behalf of Jesus Christ then we are labeled as bigots, narrow minded and we are labeled as uncompassionate people.

“The Church has not yet touched the fringe of the possibilities of intercessory prayer” – John R Mott

"Prayer strikes the winning blow; service is simply picking up the pieces”.  S.D. Gordon

We can only pray that God awakens his church in this critical year of 2012. A political party or a new President will not make this Nation a Christian Nation. It is time for the church to rise and speak. It is time for Christians to shake off the intimidation of the world and to come forth and boldly proclaim the gospel with faith and compassion for the world.

Pray that this year 2012 that Christians and churches would pray and stand more vocal than ever before.

Ephesians 6:12 says that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms. If we practice activism without prayer we become nothing more than Christian activists with a cause. And here in DC there are hundreds of groups with just a cause. We do not want to be just another one of them. But if we begin first on our knees before the almighty and omnipotent God with prayer and intercession, we can then be assured that our voices will be heard and our actions will have a permanent effect upon our Nation and our Nations culture.

As S.D. Gordon says - "Prayer strikes the winning blow; service is simply picking up the pieces”.

In 2012 we are facing cultural changes that could change the Godly culture of this Nation for decades to come. Abortion has the potential to reach record epidemic numbers; traditional marriage is being challenged at a rate like we have never seen in our American history; and the removal of God from every aspect of our culture is under attack like we have never know in the foundation of America. The push to make this Nation a neutral Godless society is being challenged and thrown in our face on a daily basis and we as Christians and the church have said little. History tells us over and over again that other Nations have risen with a strong Christian heritage and then only to slip in mediocrity when they strayed away from God and moral absolutes. Many feel that this is impossible and this could never happen to the United States of America.

But has it already begun? Is it too late to change?

The good news is that it is never too late to change.

Pray that the American church and Christians would arise to their call of the Great Commission. Pray that the churches of America would not get trapped into being a self serving church and that they would not be consumed with ministering just to their own. Pray that our churches would not succumb to a social gospel of only community service.

As you are probably aware, we pray all across this DC area from Capitol Hill to Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics on Saturday mornings to the steps of the Supreme Court. We have seen a few churches here in the DC area arise to the call of the Great Commission with prayer and seeking God over the past few years, but most prayer has been formed outside of the local church structure.

Pray that more and more churches would hear the call of God to the Great Commission to seek God, to pray and then take action that will have a  permanent spiritual effect on our cities and our Nation.

May God awaken more and more churches all across this Nation to “Stand on behalf of Him “.

God Bless.

Ron Brumbaugh

“ Building a Culture of Faith, Prayer and Action “

Mark 8

38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation,

the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”

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