Notes for a Zoom Interview

ZOOM Interview Questions

(1)    You advocate for prayer and church renewal across a variety of social media platforms, tweeting avidly and blogging at, and Please share with us your strategy for ministry.

  • My strategy is launched from Romans 12:2 (my paraphrase and application to prayer):
    • Don't be limited to the prayer customs and traditions of your church experience, rather, transform you praying by a Holy Spirit initiated and directed renewing of your mind, so that your praying demonstrates that God and God's will are good for us, produce pleasure for us, and are perfectly suited to our needs.

(2)    How is it that you came to be involved specifically in prayer ministry?

  • A Holy Spirit interruption in a Sunday morning church gathering that led me to pray with pastors, that birthed in me a passion to find and launch pastors' prayer groups, first in my city then across the nation and across the globe.

(3)    To many of us it seems that there is an increasing focus on prayer in the churches in America and around the world. What is your view? Are we on the brink of a revival? What are the signs?

  • More of the same kind of praying will not bring transformation, breakthrough, revival
  • More weak prayers cannot produce strong prayers
  • We are better at listing our requests than listening for God's requests (the leading of the Spirit)
  • ..But I believe, if we follow God in the revising of the Church, we will see a reviving of the Church (if we look for new and different markers)

(4)    What is the secret to founding and sustaining movements of prayer?

  • The Holy Spirit is the secret. Find out what God is inviting you into then surrender, give 110%
  • A new discipline in prayer: Ask.
    • A = Ask. Rather than ask first for a "thing" (help me, heal me, fix me), ask a questions ("Holy Spirit, how should I pray about my need today?")
    • S = Seek. Seek by stopping (that keeps us from asking too quickly for that thing we think we need but have not consulted the Lord on). Seek by looking into scripture(seek the mind of Christ). Seek in silence ("Be still and know/experience God"). Seek by singing. Seek by scribing (write your thoughts, your prayer...)
    • K = Knock. Knock on the door of heaven. Expect to enter. In fact, you are already seated in the heavenlies with Christ (Ephesians 2:6), so join in the divine trialogue: Mighty God, Lord and Savior, Holy Spirit in communion and communication. "Knock" loudly ("Come boldly into God presence")

(5)    What would it mean for the church to be united today? How would we recognize this unity? What can we do as Christians to pursue the unity for which Jesus prayed in John 17.

  • John 17 unity is relational more than religious, organic more than organizational, prophetic rather than political, responsive more than regulating …
  • Unity is built when Christian leaders:
    • Communicate how God is at work in their midst through their ministries to impact their communities
    • Connect for prayer
    • Convene for Spirit-led discussion and interaction, all of which eventually leads to
    • Collaboration; unity that is expressed by:
      • Activity coordination, or
      • Ministry cooperation, or
      • Authentic collaboration (beyond helping or serving one another; designing a true partnership)


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