Hosts: Tom Schreiner, Colorado Governors Prayer Team
Guest: John Andrews of Colorado Christian University/Centennial Institute
He will be giving his perspective on the candidates/issues pertaining to the 2012 national election, and critical issues covered during the 2011 Western Conservative Summit held in Denver. John was a key organizer and host of the WCS in July.
Prayer Topics:
1. Pray that all citizens will clearly understand, and faithfully support, a righteous government as defined in Scripture and in America's founding documents.
2. Pray that Americans wake up to the warning of history that great nations tend to commit moral and fiscal suicide at about 200-250 years, and that having awakened, they will work for a renewal of character to prevent such decline.
3. speak destiny (and declarations) over the election process/candidates/outcome;
4. pray for unity and harmony within the leadership, candidates, and delegates of the conservative camp,
5. pray that candidates of righteousness will experience great favor with the voters and that these candidates will be infused with courage to speak the truth in love, with stamina to run the race well, with supernatural enthusiasm, and with divine wisdom to know how to interact with and respond to their opponents during live debates/televised events,
6. to pray for a supernatural overflow of resources toward the candidates of righteousness, ie: resources of campaign strategy, competent staff, volunteers, money, effective messaging and communications, and votes.
7. Pray for all the candidates who must by now be physically and mentally exhausted. Ask God to prompt them to focus on their vision for America and their proposals to implement that vision.
8. Pray that they would tamp down their fire toward each other and instead concentrate their energies on laying out their vision for our children and grandchildren. Pray that in their individual campaigns they would keep uppermost in their minds what is best for the country. May each be given the gift to winsomely yet with strength present their agenda without letting the campaign sink to a series of personal attacks.
9. Finally, every election is important, but it is hard to remember a time when so much seemed so unsettled. It is up to us to decide the future direction our country takes. Ask God to help each of us be better informed and more involved for what is likely to be the most important election of our generation. Pray that our hearts would be turned to our Heavenly Father so that He would heal our land and America might be restored as a shining city upon a hill.