Make a Difference in the Middle East

For those Prayer Warriors with God’s heart for Jerusalem and all of her people – Jewish and Arab alike - you can make a powerful difference from the comfort of your own home and the convenience of your own schedule.


Go to
and sign up to receive a brief daily prayer TEXT starting Sept. 1st to intercede for the global work and workers of The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ), October 2nd.  It only takes a minute but makes all the difference!


You are also invited to help lead a prayer watch on the October 2nd 24 Hour DPPJ Prayer Conference Call for this critical global prayer movement, where churches in over 175 nations - including underground churches in 7 Muslim countries – participated last year. Over 1200 Christian leaders of all different denominations and cultures endorse this united call to prayer for God's peace and purposes in this troubled but strategic region. We provide you with a guide and scriptures to help you facilitate intercessors who united from all over the world in this exciting cyberspace prayer room. To sign up & view hourly prayer topics, please log onto


The call is simple: Scripture consistently and repeatedly calls us to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and for the establishment of God's purposes within her walls; and the current tragedy, bloodshed, and loss of innocent life in both sides of this conflict warrant our focused, fervent, and informed intercession. So without needing to be on the same theological or political page, we are simply, in response to a timeless Biblical mandate and a current human crisis, calling the Body of Christ in the nations to set aside the first Sunday of October  - October 2nd - as the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem.

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