Watchful (1)

Joining God in Watchful Praying

Joining God in Watchful Praying

By Dave Butts


One of the most fascinating aspects of watchful praying is how closely it ties us to the very nature andactivity of God Himself. God is a watcher! Again and again in the Bible we readof how He watches over the affairs of both nations and individuals. He calls usto join Him on His watch…to devote ourselves to watch and pray that we mightparticipate with our Lord in His purposes. What an amazing privilege! Carefullyconsider these Scriptures that point to God on His watch:

• "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you backto this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promisedyou" (Genesis 28:15).

• "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel youand watch over you" (Psalm 32:8).

• "He rules forever by His power, His eyes watch the nations – let not therebellious rise up against Him" (Psalm 66:7).

• "The LORD will keep you from all harm – He will watch over your life; theLORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore"(Psalm 121:7-8).

• "The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and thegood" (Proverbs 15:3).

Would you today join with a watching God? He is calling His people to such an intimateplace with Him that we begin to see some aspects of what He is seeing as Heallows us that privilege. Our watching is for the purpose of praying into ourworld the purposes and plans of God. How amazing is the grace and calling ofGod that He would grant us the joy and favor of laboring alongside Him throughwatchful praying!


(excerpted from Prayer and The End of Days by David Butts; available at

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