Abiding (1)

Faith in Life's Storms


The older I get, the more I notice the storms. I am like a tree, whose increasing height causes its branches to tremble in greater gales. As an immature shrub I did not notice the weather as much, being close to the ground. As a more mature evergreen, I feel the wind rustle through every branch, shake every leaf, and chill me to the core. I see more, gain greater perspective, and face greater fears as I grow.

Yet there is comfort, too. My roots have grown stronger as I have grown taller. The soil I was planted in has nourished and sustained me all this time, and my roots have gone deep. My foundation of faith has proved solid and true. Abiding in Jesus has not been in vain.

Perhaps this is why the Bible often describes men as “trees.” We need the kind of imagery that gives us peace in the storms of life, an understanding of who we are that defies the challenges of our situations. A mature tree cannot be easily uprooted. It has the resources within itself to draw up water – strength - from the deeper wells of the earth. We need to know that. We need to do that.

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