The scriptures specify one time a year on the Biblical calendar that God Himself estab-
lished when His children can purposely come before Him as a family for the reconciling of our nation. (Leviticus 16:34) Our western mindset doesn’t align with this concept, but as it is Biblical and God requests it to be done by His sons and daughters in every gen- eration, its time that we not only align with it, but do what God has asked us to do.
The satanists have come out of the closet with their agenda to take down our nation and our president. They have been prayer walking our churches, and civic centers for decades. Recently, they erected an abominable statue in a civic center to protest the 10 commandments. We have to wake up to the reality that we are in full scale war over the soul of our nation. For decades now, two weeks before our November elections, yearly, there is the largest gathering of satanists in our nation that lasts through Nov 1. Notice this is directly before our elections and that is not an accident! What are they doing? In this and in their prayer walking they have been summoning the powers of darkness to take over our society and just a glance at our newspapers reveals the fruit of their labors. They have made no secret of the fact that they are networked worldwide for the destruction of our President and our nation. We can no longer remain passive in this!
As I brought this before the Lord, He reassured me that if His children would just do what He has called us to do, in His way, according to His calendar. He would manifest His open show of triumph and destroy the works of the devil, the way His word declares He came to do. (1John3:8; Col 2:15) He already did this in the 2016 elections as intercessors across the nation went into the gap in alignment with the Lord’s calendar, and we need him to do it again for the 2018 midterm elections. Repentance means a change of mind and direction. God has heard our hearts and words of repentance and honored them, but this year He is looking to see our action.
In John 20:23 Jesus made it very clear, “whosoever sins you forgive they are forgiven”. When we forgive in Jesus’ name, we neutralize the powers of darkness.We are not to be intimidated, we are on the winning team! The whole nature of deception is that the deceived one isn’t aware they are deceived. We are to extend the same mercy of for- giveness to these that God extended to us while we were yet sinners.
God is calling us to come out of our closets on His calendar’s New Year’s day celebra- tion, (on our calendar, September 9th) and corporately worship Him and declare His Lordship and put feet to our prayers. In addition, He is calling us to mobilize during the following 10 days of awe that follow that, to prayer walk the streets of our city, state and nation. Releasing His forgiveness for all of the sins, (John 20:23) and releasing His power of blessing to every arena of our society, -ie- civil, (government, justice, police, fire departments, military), family, church, business, education, media, arts, medical, our economy and anything else He lays on your heart.
God’s word is clear, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God. . . Doesn’t His word say “every place on which your feet tread I have given it to you and no foe will be able to stand before you??” (Deut. 11:24-25). As we go forth in His Spirit of love and blessing, forgiving our enemies and blessing even those who are cursing us, we release His power, His way and in that we are enforcing His open show of triumph. This IS the 2 Chronicles 7:14 turning from our wicked ways. The enemy has been suc- cessful to the degree that they have because they are united in dividing us.
God is asking that we come together as His family, not worrying about “our houses” but just agreeing in worshipping Him for who He is, our loving heavenly Father, our Savior and Lord over this nation, and let His Spirit pour out the Psalm 133 anointing (that will break the yokes off of our nation) so He can command His blessing of life over our na- tion and all of its people including our President.
We are to gather together on September 9th and in one voice honor Jesus as the one true King of Kings and Lord of Lords. During this time we will corporately unite as one family and bless our nation and its President, and pray for our nation including the fami- ly of God across this nation and then fan out across the regions we are in and start prayer walking. The Lord said if every church in urban areas prayer walked an 8 block radius around it, all of the areas would be covered. For rural areas, you might need to prayer drive, but you can still do it. He also said if every Christian family would walk 4 blocks around their home, it would also produce the same affect.
We will then have 9 more days to prayer walk, our civic centers, (city halls, courts, county administrations, police stations, fire departments, schools, hospitals, local busi- ness’, parks, etc. and blanket our region in prayer. Together it will not take much time. The more you can unite with other believers in this the better.
Attached you will find Prayer Walk Guidelines and sample Blessings for some of the topics mentioned above. (Note: this is not meant to be a formula, but rather and example of how to proactively raise God’s standard of blessing over our nation. You are free to add any other topics as long as they are approached from a heart of blessing and forgiveness.
God loves us and His plan for our nation is good and not evil to give us a future and a hope.
“The only thing it takes for evil to prosper is when good men and women do noth- ing.” Statesman Edmund Burke