June 2013
“Globalizing Prayer, Transforming our World”
1. Reconciliation in Today’s World
2. An Invitation to the International Prayer Initiative for the United Nations, November 18-20, 2013, New York City
3. A Special Invitation to all Children in Prayer Leaders, Coordinators, Praying Youth and Children
4. Announcing the Middle East Prayer Assembly, October 1-4, 2013
5. Sudan
6. North Africa
7. Myanmar: SEAPC Yangon 2013
8. Afghanistan
9. Global Day of Prayer, Pakistan 2013
10. North Korea
11. Praying for Malaysia in the Aftermath of its National Election
12. An Encouraging Story of Faith and Prayer: The Global Day of Prayer Experience in Bulgaria
13. Turkey: Understanding the Protests
14. First National House of Prayer in Melanesia
15. USA: Supreme Court Rules DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) Unconstitutional 5-4 Vote
16. USA: Congressional Investigations on IRS Underway
17. USA: Military Salutes Homosexual Pride Month
18. USA-MEXICO Border Prayer Alert
19. 21 Days for Global Harvest
20. China and Hong Kong Children in Prayer Launch
21. Invitation to “A Day of Repentance 7/14”: 2 Chronicles 7:14 on Sunday, July 14
22. 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
23. World Refugee Sunday
24. All Pacific Prayer Assembly 2013 Gathering, September 18-26, 2013
25. Call2Fall
26. Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call
27. IPC Events Calendar
28. The IPC Website
29. About International Prayer Connect (IPC)
30. Donating to IPC through PayPal
31. Contacting the IPC Office