Honk or Pray?

The vehicle in front of me had a bumper sticker that read, “If you love God, pray. Anyone can honk.” The humor of it was lost on me since I was having one of those dreaded days when I not only felt bad physically, but everything was going wrong. I actually felt more like honking than talking to God. Maybe you’ve never had one of those days. Maybe I’m the only one who ever has a day like that. Nevertheless, I resisted the urge to honk, mostly fearing that the driver might be someone who knew me. Then I prayed and ask God to forgive me for not really wanting a conversation with Him at that time. Then I remember what I had taught for many years, namely that prayer is not dependent on our feelings, but on God’s desire to hear from us. Just as earthly parents love hearing from their children, even in bad times, so God loves to hear from His children, however we are feeling at the time. I figure since God made everything, He made those things that make for bad days, and thus He understands why I sometimes have a bad day. But bad days are no excuse for failing to communicate with the God who had Paul encourage us to, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). Since I can’t drive around with eyes closed, or writing in a prayer journal, or concentrating on some prayer acrostic, this verse must mean to be in a continual attitude of prayer . . . even when you feel like honking.

You can read other postings by Dr. Dan Crawford at www.discipleallnations.org/blog.

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