Harvest-Field Praying

I’ve often wondered what prompted the disciples of Jesus to ask Him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1). Many things happened between their call to follow Him and their request to be taught prayer. According to Luke, just one chapter prior to their request, Jesus described the harvest as “great” and the laborers as “few” and then told them to pray (Luke 10:2). Since He was sending seventy of them into the harvest, two-by-two, they might have been surprised that prayer was included in His outreach strategy. They obviously understood the commands to go, to serve, to share, to minister, to teach, to preach, etc.? But the command to pray? This may have been the most confusing command of Jesus. Today, in many circles, it is the forgotten command of Jesus. I have heard, read and been a part of the planning of more outreach strategies than I can remember. Those saturated with prayer were in the minority. It must have thrilled Jesus to be asked about prayer, on the heels of His command to go to the harvest field. It would no doubt, thrill Him today, if we made prayer more a part of our harvest-field strategy.

Read more of Dr. Dan’s Monday Morning Manna at http://discipleallnations.org/blog.

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  • I guess if we REALLY want to IMPACT the world for Christ, THEN WE MUST PRAY!  Prayer really is the key to all.  Everything happens in prayer.  When you pray, Christ TEACHES YOU TO PRAY!!  lol!  I had NO IDEA how or what or who to pray for when I started out in my PRAYER JOURNEY.  All I knew was that I really needed and wanted to pray.  I wanted to know Christ in a more personal way...intimately.  Prayer is where ALL TRANSFORMATION occurs, where ALL MARCHING ORDERS ARE GIVEN, AND WHERE CALLINGS ARE CONCEIVED!  PRAYER IS OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE FATHER...

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