"Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back!" my father used to say. So how did the turtle get on such a lofty perch on that fence post?
“There is a Power whose care / Teaches the way along that pathless coast.
The desert and illimitable air / Lone wandering, but not lost.”
- William Cullen Bryant, “To a Waterfowl” (1818)
Taking a break from the hectic human race to review our life is beneficial—
Looking back, we realize God’s faithfulness in meeting all of our needs.
Skeptics question God’s care, but experience has taught us better.
All of our lifelong odyssey, to this day, God has been our Pastor.
When we were exhausted, He let us rest in green meadows.
When we were distressed, He steered us to serene havens.
When devastated by our guilt, He helped us to our feet.
When disoriented, He charted a course in our mind.
When we trembled in the dark, He was our light.
Surrounded by enemies, He was our shield.
Discouraged, His goodness reinforced us.
Grace momentum inspired our journey.
Jesus is gently shepherding us home.
Taking His hand, we learn to dance.
“The God who shepherded me through life to this moment…”
Genesis 48:15 MLB
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Virginia
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized
[This devotion based on/adapted from Day 34 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity]
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