The American Center For Law and Justice has posted a petition for all to sign.
It reads, The Obama admin. is seeking to put monitors in the newsrooms of every major media outlet in the country. One FCC commissioner says he fears these monitors would be used in pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories.
It's exactly as dangerous as it sounds, and it could be used to cripple free speech and freedom of the press in America.
Pres. Obama has stated the things reported are outlandish stories and shouldn't be reported. He said they should be stopped. That includes religion. The news media could only report what he agrees with.
If this happens we will be back in the dark ages.
I am asking every member of the prayer network friends neighbors and other Christians, go to God in prayer. Asking God to stop the aggression by our top government. Enough has been done against him. It's time to take a stand.
ps. sign the petition ACLJ or ACLJ FACEBOOK
Thank you and God Bless
Pastor Bob Webb