"God Save EVERYone" Prayers Are Misguided


"God save everyone" is a well intended prayer that is guaranteed not to be answered. 

This is how God loved the world - God gave his one-and-only (Jesus) to die for everyone. Anyone who believes will be saved.

My "God save everyone" prayer is a fine sentiment but unbiblical. It makes us feel like a good Christian but God has already provided salvation to all  ("The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people." Titus 2:11). Individuals must believe. God will not respond to such a prayer, as wonderful as it would be if Go did, simply because we are too busy to take the time to interact with the Spirit to discern why the Lord has prompted us to pray.

  • Ask - "Why are you reminding me about this person? Problem?
  • Seek - the leading of the Spirit by listening before you begin listing your requests
  • Knock - with strong faith when you are pointed in the right direction

A more biblical prayer would be to petition the Lord on behalf of a specific person: "God, reveal yourself and your salvation-love to ____." 

  • Someone you have suddenly begun to think about
  • A person you read about in a news story
  • The person you are seeing in a video or on TV
  • An individual you have noticed in a store (the Spirit may use their slow pace or their loud complaining to capture your attention)
  • The character you are reading about in a book may remind you of a family member
  • Someone you work with
  • A golfing buddy
  • Your neighbor
  • A stranger that catches your eye while driving ...

Maybe this is what it means to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Maybe this is what the Spirit is teaching us about being prayerfully-alert in Ephesians 6:18:"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all God's people everywhere."

"God, you are unwilling that any should perish; your heart desire is to save everyone. Who may I have the privilege of praying for right now?"


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  • Lord Jesus, please give us discernment and guide us in our intercession for Your Kingdom's sake. Please help us be faithful to You in all we do ... thank You...

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