God's Delights

Psalm 36:8

Introduction: In Psalm 36 David gives equal time to good and bad people.  In verses 1-4 and 11, 12 He tells us about those who do evil and what they face.  In verses 5-10 He gives us an incredible list of God’s magnificent love for His own.  Today the focus is on the second half of verse 8: “And You give them to drink of the river of Your delights.”  NASB

When I first read this, my mind wandered to the wicked witch in the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.  She promised Edmund all the Turkish Delight that he wanted if he would only follow her.  If you read the book or saw any of the movies you will know that following her didn’t work out too well for him.

The second thought was a question.  What are the delights of the Lord?  The Holy Spirit taught me at that moment.  Here is what He showed me that the delights in the Lord are.

We can bask in His LOVE.  His love is unconditional.  His love will direct our hearts.  In other words what people say to us, what they do to us, etc. is consumed in His love if we let it!  His love will make us complete as we live in His Word.  His love keeps us until the Lord comes back for us.  This is so good that I can almost taste the sweetness of His love as I surrender to it.  (2 Thessalonians 3:5; 1 John 2:5 and Jude 21)

The JOY of the Lord is my strength.  The Words of His mouth (The Word) cause joy to those who repent.  His joy gives us strength.  To be joyful before Him causes us to sing a new song for Him in our heart.  (Note it does not have to be verbal.  The song just leaps in our heart when we realize how much He loves us.)  We will be joyful in His protection.  Don’t be sad because joy comes in the morning as you meditate on His Word day and night.  (Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 5:11:19:8; 28:7; 33:3; 66:1 and 1 Chronicles 16:33)

There is a PEACE that transcends all understanding.  It can’t be defined by logic or a tick list.  It is best just experienced.  The Father says that we are blessed with peace as an atoned person.  He says that a person who is experiencing His peace has found a place of safety.  He says that peace comes to the meek.  (They inherit it because they have in their meekness given themselves over to the ownership of the Father.)  Philippians 4:7; Psalm 4:8; 29:11; 37:11

Simply being in the PRESENCE OF HE LORD is a great delight.  His presence is with us always.  When he is present he will teach us how to live and speak.  This is obedience.  The great need here is repentance.  The Word clearly states that without repentance there is no presence of the Lord.  (Matthew 28:19; 2 Chronicles 34:31 & 1 Thessalonians 1:9)

Taste and see that the Lord is good.  His delights are with both day and night. 

♥ His presence is sweeter than honey from the honeycomb.

♥ His presence is more precious that gold, yes much pure gold. 

♥ His presence is perfect because it revives the soul.

♥ His presence is always there and will make His ways simple.

♥ His presence will always be right and this gives us joy.

♥ His presence brings light to our ways so we will know where we are going.

♥ His presence lasts forever and is without fault.

♥ His presence has no error it and can be depended upon completely.

♥ His presence is a constant warning so that our paths will lead us to great reward.


I dare you to repent and partake in the delights of the Lord.  What have you got to lose except your depression, thoughts of suicide, anger, hatred, jealousy, getting even, wanting harm to others and yourself, etc? 

Come on repent and enjoy His delights.  They taste so good.

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