God on Speed Dial

One of my new, favorite compliments came this week. I had communicated with a former student and good friend during a difficult time in his life and assured him of my prayer support. He replied with thanks for the prayer and concluded with, “I’ve always thought you and God had each other on speed dial.” For you non-techies, Wikipedia defines speed dial as, “a function available on many telephone systems allowing the user to place a call by pressing a reduced number of keys. This function is particularly useful for phone users who dial certain numbers on a regular basis.” While I appreciate the compliment and understand its meaning, the same should be said of every believer. God said, “Call to Me, and I will answer you” (Jeremiah 33:3). There is no reference or even implication of a delay – hold, busy signal, automated voice mail, or an answering machine (Wouldn’t you hate to hear a deep voice say, “This is your Heavenly Father. I can’t talk right now, but please leave a message at the sound of the harp?”) I am reminded of an old gospel song, using an analogy from an earlier day, “Jesus on the main line, tell Him what you want. You can call Him up and tell Him what you want. His line ain’t never busy, tell Him what you want.” So, if not already there, how about adding God to your speed dial today and “tell Him what you want.”

To read more from Dr. Dan Crawford go to www.discipleallnations.org/blog.

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